SAFCOL Bursary 2023 – Are you looking for SAFCOL Bursary online application 2023? In this article, I will provide you with details on the SAFCOL Bursary, how to submit your application online and other related information.
Application is currently open for SAFCOL Bursary 2023. South African Forestry Company Limited invites qualifying South African students to apply for its Bursary Programme for 2023 academic year.
- Closing Date: 7 October 2022
SAFCOL Bursary 2023 South Africa
SAFCOL (South African Forestry Company Limited) is involved in the forestry industry operations within the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo, and Manica and Sofala provinces in Mozambique. As the third largest state-owned company in the country, SAFCOL is responsible for ensuring that forests and other assets in the SAFCOL Group are sustainably managed.
The company is mandated to conduct forestry business, domestically and internationally, including: timber harvesting, timber processing and related activities.
Eligible Fields
SAFCOL is inviting students to apply for their bursary programme, for the 2023 academic year.
Bursaries will be awarded to financially needy and academically deserving students, for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, within the following fields:
Forestry and related qualifications:
- Agro-Forestry
- Civil Engineering
- Eco/ Agro-Tourism
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Environmental Management
- Forestry
- Genetics
- Health and Safety Management
- Horticulture
- Mechanical Engineering
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Production
- Wood Science/ Wood Technology
Management and support qualifications:
- Business Management
- Communications
- Financial Management
- Human Resource Management
- Human Settlement Development
- Internal Audit and ICT
- Legal
- Marketing and Sales
- Project Management
- Risk Management
What does SAFCOL bursary cover?
The bursary will provide cover for the following expenses: registration fees, tuition fees, textbooks and other learning material, accommodation, meals and a stipend for each semester.
After graduation, students will be required to work for SAFCOL, for an equal duration of bursary funding received.
Shortlisted candidate will be contacted within 30 days of the application deadline – if you do not receive any feedback by 7 November 2022, please consider your application unsuccessful.
SAFCOL bursary requirements
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
- You must be a South African citizen
- You must be currently in Matric or have completed Matric
- You must be studying or intend on studying full-time towards a qualification in one of the fields listed above, in 2023
- You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised and accredited tertiary institution in South Africa
- You must meet the entry requirements of your selected institution
- Preference will be given to: previously disadvantaged students, female students, students with disabilities, youth residing in communities alongside SAFCOL plantations and communities SAFCOL have signed Social compacts with
How to apply for SAFCOL bursary 2023
Download and complete the SAFCOL Bursary Application Form 2023 (.pdf)
Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your completed application form (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):
- ID document (certified copy)
- Matric certificate or Matric recent results (certified copy)
- Most recent academic record/ transcripts, if currently studying (on institutions letterhead) (certified copy)
- Proof of registration or acceptance at a tertiary institution (on institutions letterhead)
Applications must be submitted via email to:
(Insert the words “SAFCOL Bursary Application 2023” in the email subject line)
SAFCOL 2023 Closing date
The closing date for the submission of applications for the SAFCOL Bursary is 7 October 2022. Applications submitted after this date will not be accepted – please apply before the closing date to ensure your application is considered.
Contact information
For any queries related to this bursary programme, please contact SAFCOL directly:
Learning and Development Department Unit
Contact Person: Portia (Bursary Administrator)
Tel: 013 754 2700
Cell: 083 679 4985
Please do NOT contact the South African Forestry Company Limited if this bursary has already closed.