Gauteng Department of Health
ERRATUM: Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital. Kindly note that the following one (01) post of Nuclear Medicine Radiology was advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular 43 dated 11 November 2022, The Salary notch have been amended as follow: R413 688 – R473 007 per annum. The closing date will be to the 25 November 2022.
Kindly note that the following 2 posts were advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular 42 of 2022 dated 04 November 2022, The Job Title have been amended as follows Medical Officers – Paediatrics (X2 Posts): Medical (Kopanong Hospital) with Ref No: 36/2022. The closing date has been extended to 25 November 2022.
Directorate: Clinical
SALARY : R1 227 255 – R1 362 063 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE Sterkfontein Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows for registration with Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Practitioner (MBBCh). A minimum of 3 years appropriate experience as Medical Officer after Registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. A Qualification in Health Management will be an added Advantage. Computer literate and a Valid Driver’s Licence.
DUTIES : Reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer. Act as overall Manager of Clinical Units and Allied staff. Participate in developing and implementing Operational Plans (including cost containment strategies) on laboratory services and average length of stay including down referrals. Ensure the coordination of all activities necessary for quality and efficient 24 – hour patient care. Assist in Clinical Care Audits and Risk Management Strategies in order to improve Patient outcome. Ensure adherence to relevant Health and Public Legislation including Patient Charter and Batho Pele Principles. Ensure compliance to the Ideal Hospital Framework and Six Ministerial Key Responsibilities. Mange efficiencies and reduce waiting times for forensic waiting list of observation and state patients. Develop of Training Programme for a Psychiatric Speciality Hospital. Mange resources Physical, Human and Finances).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M.J. Mapunya Tel No: (011) 951-8257
APPLICATIONS : Sterkfontein Hospital, Private Bag X2010, Krugersdorp, 1740, or hand delivered to the application box at the entrance.
NOTE : Application must be submitted on a fully completed new format Z83 (81/971431 www.dpsa.gov.za), accompanied by a detailed CV with at least two contactable references. The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity employment especially of race, gender and disability. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. (Only shortlisted candidate will submit certified copies). If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (PSC) verification (reference checks – provide at least 3 of which one must be your immediate supervisor, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification), recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by Occupational Health and Safety Act 5/1993. Sterkfontein hospital reserves the right to utilise practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the posts.
CLOSING DATE 02 December 2022 at Time: 12H00
Directorate: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 156 308 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows for registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in Obs and Gynae. Registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in Obs and Gynae and current registration. No experience required after registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist Obs and Gynae.
DUTIES : As a consultant, the candidate will be responsible for the clinical management of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The incumbent will be required to lead operational and academic ward rounds including post-intake, follow-up and grand rounds. As the most senior doctor in the unit, the incumbent will be required to supervise registrars, medical officers, intern doctors and students in patient care and the performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Other clinical duties will include managing patients at OPD, managing patients attending the Subspeciality. OPD or Specialty Ward Consultations within a relevant Sub-specialty. Possess the skill and knowledge required to manage a wide variety of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Function in a multi-disciplinary team. Be in a possession of the appropriate qualification. Provide supervision for junior and Nursing staff. The desired candidate will be required to set an appropriate example of an exemplary medical practitioner and serve as a role model and clinical mentor to junior Doctors and associated clinical staff. Co-ordination of sub-specialist services at CMJAH and cluster hospitals for both inpatient and outpatient. Services. Supervision of the clinical technology service as required. Overseeing the development of appropriate referral pathways and development of services at referral hospitals. Participation in the academic studies of the Wits Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Performance of research within the department. Supervision of research within the department and MMed students. Training and supervision of Senior Registrars, Registrars, Medical Officers, Medical Interns and Medical Students including tutorials, teaching ward rounds and skills development. The desired candidate will also be required to provide medical support and guidance to nursing staff.
ENQUIRIES : Prof L. Chauke Tel No: 011 488 3179
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the following email-address Medicalhr.Cmjah@gauteng.gov.za. Please use the reference as subject.
NOTE The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialed and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males, Indian Females, White Males and White Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
(2 years contract)
Directorate: Surgery
SALARY : R1 156 308 per annum, (all inclusive)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : Full registration with the HPCSA as a Specialist Surgeon (General Surgery).Desire to train in the Subspecialty of Surgical Gastroenterology (declaration of interest in Surgical GIT in Colorectal Surgery is crucial).
DUTIES : Supervising the management of and managing patients with benign and malignant colorectal diseases. Surgical skillset to manage general and colorectal surgical patients with the ability to supervise and perform open and laparoscopic surgery. Supervise and perform emergency operations. Rotate through the teaching hospital affiliated to the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and do surgical sessions at Bheki Mlangeni Hospital. It is required to be able to perform Endoscopy – Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy +/- intervention. Engage in multidisciplinary management of comprehensive colorectal cancers and outpatient follow up clinics to facilitate adequate service delivery to patients with colorectal diseases. To perform Clinical, Teaching and Research responsibilities as required by an academic surgical unit. Clinical duties: Clinical history taking, examination and assessment of patients. Requesting and analysing special investigations. Prescribing of medications and other therapies. Communicate effectively with colleagues. Ensure proper keeping of records. Perform any other duties relevant to the clinical management of patients as required by the hospital you are rotating through. Performance of diagnostics and therapeutic surgical procedures in the field of general surgery. Ability and willingness to perform after hours duties. The following would be an advantage: Ability to perform diagnostic and therapeutic upper and lower endoscopy. Ability in Minimal Access Surgery. Knowledge of legislation, policies and procedures pertaining to health care users in the public sector. At least one year’s outside colorectal surgery experience as a general Surgeon. Duration: The post is tenable for a maximum of (2) two years. There will be a full performance appraisal after one year, and reappointment for the second year is dependent on a suitable appraisal. There will be no extension beyond a period of two years from initial appointment.
ENQUIRIES : Dr V Naidoo Tel No: 011 933 9267/8804
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications may also be uploaded online at www.gautengonline.gov.za or http://professionaljobcentre.gpg.gov.za. Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: General Surgery
SALARY : R858 528 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner, HPCSA registration as an independent Medical Practitioner and must be post Community Service. Must have completed Primaries, ATLS and BSS in relevant department. Training opportunities are inter alia available in the following disciplines: Paediatric Surgery.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to interview, investigate, diagnose, and oversee the treatment of patient related administrative duties, participating in all activities of the discipline in relation to teaching and research, participating in departmental audit activities, preparing, and writing of reports, liaison and communication services and community liaison. Supervising junior doctors (undergraduate students, interns, and community service doctors). Willing to do commuted overtime. Attendance of relevant administrative meetings like mortality meetings, near miss meetings and completing MEDICO Legal Documents timeously (e.g., 120 Death certificate). Improve quality of care by providing appropriate clinical care. Reduce medical litigation by exercising good clinical ethos. Implement and monitor adherence to National Core Standards (norms and standards). Participate in multidisciplinary team to the management of patients. Performance of practical procedures relevant to the care of patients. Participation in departmental meetings, journal clubs, case presentations, lectures, and ward rounds. Ensure that administration and record keeping is done in the department. Rendering of after hour (night, weekend, and public holiday) duties to provide continuous uninterrupted care of patients. Registrars will inter alia be responsible for rendering of clinical services, assessment and treatment of patients, Registrars will be rotated through related departments at various hospitals, comprising hospitals served in their specific outreach programmes. Registrars will be appointed jointly between the Gauteng Provincial Government and the following tertiary institutions: University of the Witwatersrand (WITS).Duration of training is up to (5) Five years and no extension of the contract will be allowed. To graduate as a General Surgeon a junior rotation of (2) two years must be completed and a further (3) three years as a senior registrar will be mandatory. The requirements to graduate as a General Surgeon and the award of the MMed degree will be determined by the Academic Department of Surgery.
ENQUIRIES : Prof MD Smith Tel No: 011 933 9267/8804
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications may also be uploaded online at www.gautengonline.gov.za or http://professionaljobcentre.gpg.gov.za. Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Clinical Psychology
SALARY : Grade 1: R745 785 – R819 921 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
Grade 2: R870 231 – R 965 835 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
Grade 3: R1 009 944 – R1 189 656 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Clinical Psychologist. Registration with HPCSA as a Clinical Psychologist and proof of current registration. A PhD will be an added advantage. Grade 1: (No experience required after registration with HPCSA as a Psychologist in respect of RSA qualified employees who performed community service in the relevant profession as required in South Africa), Grade 2: A minimum of 8 years’ relevant experience required after registration with HPCSA as a Psychologist in respect of RSA qualified employees who performed community service in relevant profession as required in South Africa), Grade 3: A minimum of 16 years relevant experience required after registration with HPCSA as a Psychologist in respect of RSA qualified employees.
DUTIES : Offering therapy and treatment for difficulties relating to mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, addiction, social and interpersonal problems, trauma, challenging behaviour and a variety of medical conditions. Assessing patient needs, abilities or behaviour using a variety of methods, including psychometric tests, interviews and direct observation of behaviour. Working as a part of the multidisciplinary team alongside doctors, nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and others. Devising, implementing and monitoring appropriate treatment programs, including individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy and other forms of treatment. Conducting forensic assessments and provision of related reports. Developing and evaluating service provision for patients. Initiating and carrying out applied research, adding to the evidence base of practice in a variety of healthcare settings. Contribute to the departments planning, monitoring and evaluation of service delivery. An interest in clinical supervision and a willingness to learn this craft. Ability to speak local indigenous languages.
ENQUIRIES : Dr Mia Kritzinger/Dr Mirriam Kganya Tel No: (012) 529 3558
APPLICATIONS : can be delivered to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, 3111 Setlogelo Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 Nurses Home Block 13(HR Registry) or posted to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Private Bag X422, Pretoria 0001 or www.gautengonline.gov.za
NOTE : The Provincial Government of Gauteng is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity in employment, especially of race, gender and disability. Applications must be submitted on a new updated Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website and must be completed in full, failure to do so will result in your application being not considered. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualification and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit the certified documents. The specific reference must be quoted. It is legislative requirement that all newly appointed staff members are subjected to Personnel Suitability Check (PSC) – Verification, upon appointment within the department. This verification processes entails reference checks, identity verification, qualification verification, criminal records checks. Successful candidates will be subjected to OHS medical surveillance as required by HBA regulations within OHS Act 85 of 1993.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022, closing time will be 12H00 on the closing date
SALARY : R642 942 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : JHB Health District Place of Work: Zola CHC
REQUIREMENTS : A Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma/ degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse. Candidate should be currently registered with SANC. A post-basic nursing qualification with duration of at least one year, accredited with the SANC in one of the specialties referred to in the glossary of terms. A minimum of 10 years; appropriate/ recognizable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 6 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/ recognizable experience in the specific specialty after obtaining the 1 year post basic qualification in the relevant specialty. At least 3 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/ recognizable experience at management/supervisory level. (Less one year from experience for candidates appointed from outside the public service after complying with registration requirements). Financial management and human resource management; Leadership, organizational, decision making and problem-solving skills; Sound knowledge of public service policies, Code of Conduct, Team building and Policy formulation. Computer literacy is compulsory.
DUTIES : Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors, other Health Professionals and junior colleagues including more complex report writing when required. Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure good nursing care by the nursing team. Work effectively and amicably at a supervisory level with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial and religious differences. Be able to manage own work, time and that of junior colleagues to ensure proper nursing service delivery. Promote patient advocacy and ensure that all clinics adhere to the Batho Pele principles and quality priorities. Be able to develop contacts, build & maintain a network of professional relations in order to enhance service delivery. To ensure compliance to professional and ethical standards at all times. Promote quality of nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by relevant health facilities. Facilitate provision of a comprehensive package of service at PHC level. Support all clinics to adhere to effective implementation of Service and Quality Improvement Plans, Occupational Health and Safety as well as Quality Assurance Program etc. Ensure compliance with clinical protocols, norms and standards within the clinics. Support clinics to adhere to the Office of the Health Standards Compliance requirements, Ideal clinic compliance and support PHC re-engineering program implementation at all clinics. Support management and control of Human, Financial and material resources. Monitor utilization of budget to ensure that the clinics function within the allocated budget. Supervise and monitor staff performance in accordance with Performance Management and Development System (PMDS); develop and implement staff training plan. Attend to grievances of managers and staff. Administer discipline; and ensure that absenteeism and abscondment of staff is effectively controlled. Ensure submission of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly reports, annual reports and any other required report using the expected submission standard. Manage implementation of Infection Prevention and Control guidelines. Oversee implementation of the COVID 19 vaccination program. General administration duties and management soft skills is mandatory.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs M Mazibuko Tel No: 011 984 4120
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to this email: SubDistrictD.JobApplications@gauteng.gov.za, Applicants must indicate the post reference number as subject of the email. If you have not being consulted in three months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
NOTE : Applications must be filled on a new Z83 form. Candidates need not do attach copies of supporting documents (ID & Qualifications). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to bring certified documents during or before interview date. Persons who are foreign nationals or who are in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation or endorsement certificate from the respective Council or body (Only when shortlisted) Recommended candidates will be subjected to security screening, reference, vetting and medical process. The Department reserves the right to not make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. The Department of Health (Gauteng) is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity in employment, especially in respect in respect of race, gender and disability. People with disabilities are welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 09 December 2022
Directorate: Psychiatric FBU
SALARY : R588 378 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma/Degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing council as a Professional Nurse. Post basic nursing qualification with duration of one (1) year, accredited with SANC in Psychiatric Nursing Science. A minimum of Nine (9) years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. At least five (5) years of the period referred to above must be appropriate or recognisable experience in a Psychiatric unit after obtaining the 1 year post basic qualification in Psychiatric Nursing Science. Current registration with the South African Nursing Council. Qualification in Nursing administration /management will be an added advantage. Knowledge of legal prescripts that regulate nursing and health services. Computer literacy i.e. (Ms Word, Power Point). Ability to work independently and innovate, problem solving, communication and decision-making skills. Strong leadership, conflict resolution and sound interpersonal skills are necessary. Understanding of Ideal hospital framework, PFMA, Labour relations and other relevant legislative frameworks. Prepared to do night duty and corridor supervision under the supervision of an Area Manager. Report writing skills.
DUTIES : Supervision over day-to-day operations of the unit. Manage effective utilization and supervision of human, financial and material resources Promote quality of nursing care as directed by the scope of practice. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and self-development. Promote nursing ethos and professionalism. Involvement in the Hospital Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement programmes. Coordinate unit meetings and liaison with members of the multidisciplinary team. Maintain a positive practice environment and participate in education and training of student nurses
ENQUIRIES : Mr B Mulaudzi Tel No: (011) 933 9779/0134
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing
SALARY : R588 378 – R662 22 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Sterkfontein Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 Diploma/Degree in Nursing or equivalent qualification in nursing that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification in Nursing Education will be an added advantage. Must have advanced Psychiatric Qualification. A minimum of 4 years’ experience as a Professional Nurse after registration with SANC. Must have a post basic qualification in Psychiatric Nursing (Advanced Psychiatry) as a Professional Nurse. Experience in clinical teaching/ staff development or academic setting in mental health or psychiatric nursing will be an added advantage. Must be computer literate (Microsoft word, power point and excel as well as good presentation sills), effective communication skills, problem solving and program development. Must have a valid driver’s license. Knowledge of the Mental Health Care Act, Child Justice Act, Criminal Procedure Act and Ideal hospital framework.
DUTIES : Deputize for Nursing Managers in their absence and take charge of the Hospital after hours, during Weekends Public Holidays. Demonstrate basic understanding of Human Resource Policies and practice through effective implementation of PMDS, Disciplinary Code, leave management and supply Chain Management Procedures. Ensure effective and efficient coordination in the wards. Implement Mental Health care Act procedures and regulated Norms and standards. Drive the implementation of National Nursing Strategy. Initiate change management and participate in the Hospital Committees. Ensure Training Coaching and Mentoring of Junior nurses.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Sono Tel No: 011 951-8202
APPLICATIONS : Sterkfontein Hospital, Private Bag X2010, Krugersdorp, 1740, or hand delivered to the application box at the entrance.
NOTE : Application must be submitted on a fully completed new format Z83 (81/971431 www.dpsa.gov.za), accompanied by a detailed CV with at least two contactable references, The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity employment especially of race, gender and disability. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. (Only shortlisted candidates will submit certified copies). If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (PSC) verification (reference checks – provide at least 3 of which one must be your immediate supervisor, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification), recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by occupational health and safety act 5/1993. Sterkfontein hospital reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the posts. The Department of Health is committed to the pursuit of diversity, transparency, redress and will promote representation in terms of race, disability and gender.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December time 12H00
Directorate: HRD: Professional Development
Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously are encouraged to re-apply
SALARY : R464 466.per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District (District)
REQUIREMENTS : Basic qualification accredited with SANC in terms of Government Notice No. R425qualification, i.e,4 Years Diploma/ Degree in Nursing. A minimum of 7 years appropriate /recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse. A post basic qualification In Nursing Education will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s license is essential. Computer literacy. Current registration with SANC. Evidence of short courses attended e.g., HIV, TB, STI, IMCI, Covid19 Vaccination, EMTCT, APC, EPI, C &FP, NIMART, ACC, BLS, and Mental Health etc. Good interpersonal relationship. Excellent communication (Written, Verbal and presentation skills). Ability to plan, organize and facilitate training courses. Knowledge of Curriculum design. Proficient in Microsoft office in particularly Excel, word, and power point. Ability to work independently and with all stakeholders.
DUTIES : Plan, organize, coordinate, and monitor Clinical Trainings. Ensure clinical practice by the clinicians is done in accordance with the guidelines. Develop and update training materials and manuals aligned to the National guidelines and relevant training needs. Conduct skills audit and training needs analysis for all staff categories. Coordinate and train clinical support programmes Courses e.g. PMTCT, ADL etc. Facilitation of training Courses across the District. Coordinate Professional Development training as per Central Office training schedule. Participate in the development of District Training Operational Plan Participate in the development of District Training Plan (GPG &COE) with support of DSP’s and RTC. Coordinate Formal education (Full time and Part Time) with Tertiary Institutions (NEI’s). Submit plans and quality training reports according to set dates. Attend stakeholder’s meetings and updates related to training as well as meetings requested by Supervisor. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of continuous professional development (CPD) according to provincial CPD framework and SANC. Coordinate Clinical Students work integrated learning. Perform all other duties that are delegated by the supervisor/manager.
ENQUIRIES : Mr F Mudau Tel No: (011) 876 1733
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin Street, Germiston, 1400 at Ground Floor or posted to The Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X1005, Germiston, 1400.
NOTE : No S&T claims and resettlement allowance will be paid. Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za. Applicant should register their application forms on the specific register books according to the reference number as per advert. Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference checks, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. People with disability are encouraged to apply. Employment equity profile will be taken into consideration.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing Department
SALARY : Grade 1: R464 466 – R522 756 per annum, (plus benefits)
Grade 2: R538 449 – R571 245 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, Diploma/ Degree in General Nursing Science, registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Current SANC receipt as a General Nurse and Midwife. A minimum of Seven (7) years appropriate/ recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse. Qualification in Nursing administration will be an added advantage. Have a good leadership, communication, and conflict management skills. Manage own performance, be able to work as part of a Multidisciplinary team. Be able to supervise staff and patient care in the unit, be always available in case of any emergencies and shortage of staff.
DUTIES : Overall supervision and control of quality patient care in the unit. Ensure the formulation and availability of clinical patient care protocols and policies in department. Efficient implementation and evaluation of patient care programmes in the unit according to department’s strategic goals. Ensure adequate and appropriate staffing according to patient’s needs. Effective monitoring and management of absenteeism. Accountable for overall and effective management of nursing duties. Establish efficient communication with the multidisciplinary teams. Responsible for the implementation of disciplinary measures. Secure and allocate resources and budget to achieve workplace objectives. Proactively identify performance requirements to improve teamwork. Ensure performance, evaluation, management and development of staff. Ensuring the adherence to National Core Standards/Ideal Hospital tool.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. TF Budzwa Tel No: (012) 354-7600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital, Cnr Dr Savage road and Steve Biko Road, Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Quality Assurance
(Paediatric, Clinical Support and Surgical Department)
SALARY : R464 466 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma or Degree in Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a professional nurse. Minimum of seven (7) years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least two (2) years’ experience of the above period must be recognizable experience as a Shift Leader or Supervisor in clinical setting. Understanding of quality assurance standards and quality improvement standards to improve and sustain patient clinical outcomes, and other relevant legal frameworks such as: PAIA, National Health Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Patient Rights Charter, Batho-Pele principles, Public Service Regulations, Labour Relations Act, Disciplinary Code and Procedure, etc. Experience with application of quality assurance policies and practices in the healthcare setting is also required. Computer skills in basic programmes. Competencies: Analytic skills to identify and manage risks associated with patient environment. Leadership, organisational, decision making and problem-solving abilities within the limit of the public sector and institutional policy framework. Interpersonal skills including public relations, negotiating, conflict handling and counselling skills. Financial and budgetary knowledge pertaining to the relevant resources under management. Insight into procedures and policies pertaining to hospital management. Report writing skills and presentation skills.
DUTIES : Support operational managers within the area of responsibility, in risk identification and implementation of mitigating factors towards compliance with Ideal Realisation Hospital Maintenance Framework and Regulated Norms and Standards, including six priority areas. Support operational managers in improving and upholding customer care principles especially staff attitude. Coordinate managements of complaints in line with National Complaints guidelines. Identification of trends in patient safety incidents (PSIs), make recommendations and monitor the implementation of quality improvement plans and mitigating strategies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms G M Matjila Tel No: (011) 933 -9695
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing
SALARY : R464 466 – R522 756 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Sterkfontein Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification, i.e. Diploma/Degree in Nursing that allows registration with SANC as Professional Nurse. Must have a Post Basic Qualification in Nursing Education and Advanced Psychiatry. A minimum of 7 years appropriate experience as Professional Nurse after registration with SANC. At least 4 years of the period above must be in management of Psychiatric patients. A minimum of one-year experience in Nursing Education/Staff Development and Supervisory experience will be an added advantage. Must have a valid Driver’s licence and Computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and presentation skills. Candidate must possess effective communication skills, Ability to write and analyse Training and Development reports. Good people management, complex problem solving, innovative and project management skills. Ability to plan and organize own work. Be passionate about training and development of staff and student nurses.
DUTIES : Facilitate, co-ordinate and assess nursing staff learning needs in both theory and practice to promote sustainable growth, development and professional knowledge. Align the training of nurses to the needs of the institution. Compile the annual training program, schedule lectures and in-service trainings/courses in line with Gauteng Department of Health Objectives. Implement and monitor adherence to Gauteng Continuous Professional Development model for professional growth. Develop and implement a strategy for conducting psychiatric nursing groups and other programs in Nursing. Assist in the implementation of mentoring and coaching programs for the nursing staff. Support all programs within the Sub District on Mental Health Promotions. Participate in committees as delegated. Submit quality training reports according to set standards. Co-ordinate training for the institution in line with the Skills Development Act and other related legislation. Assist Nursing Management with the implementation of the Professional Ethos & Ethics Program which is aligned to the National Nursing Strategy. Coordinate student’s placements and activities in the hospital. Provide Clinical accompaniment which includes clinical teaching to enhance student’s competencies. Exercise control over student’s movements. Provide students with clinical guidance and support. Strengthen and implement training of Mental Health. Coordinate and run projects as required in the Nursing Department and attend stakeholder meetings as required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Sono Tel No: 011 951-8202
APPLICATIONS : Sterkfontein Hospital, Private Bag X2010, Krugersdorp, 1740, or hand delivered to the application box at the entrance.
NOTE : Application must be submitted on a fully completed new format Z83 (81/971431 www.dpsa.gov.za), accompanied by a detailed CV with at least two contactable references, The Department of Health is committed to the pursuit of diversity, transparency, redress and will promote representation in terms of race, disability and gender. The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity employment especially of race, gender and disability. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. (Only shortlisted candidate will submit certified copies). If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (PSC) verification (reference checks – provide at least 3 of which one must be your immediate supervisor, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification), recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by occupational health and safety act 5/1993. Sterkfontein hospital reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the posts.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 time 12H00
Directorate: Nursing Services
SALARY : R400 644 – R464 466 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Sterkfontein Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 Diploma/Degree in Nursing or equivalent qualification in nursing that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification in Nursing Education will be an added advantage. Must have advanced Psychiatric Qualification. A minimum of 4 years’ experience as a Professional Nurse after registration with SANC. Must have a post basic qualification in Psychiatric Nursing (Advanced Psychiatry) as a Professional Nurse. Experience in clinical teaching/ staff development or academic setting in mental health or psychiatric nursing will be an added advantage. Must be computer literate (Microsoft word, power point and excel as well as good presentation skills), effective communication skills, problem solving and program development. Must have a valid driver’s license. Knowledge of the Mental Health Care Act, Child Justice Act, Criminal Procedure Act and Ideal hospital framework.
DUTIES : Facilitate, co-ordinate and assess nursing personnel learning needs in both theory and practice to promote sustainable growth and skills development. Take leadership in evidence-based to practice. Development and facilitation of skills development program for all nursing categories. Active participation in hospital committee’s e.g. Skills Development and Employment Equity. Collaboration with Nursing Educational Institutions and active participation in nursing education stakeholders’ forums and multidisciplinary settings. Exercise control over students’ allocation and movements. Co-ordination of student nurses’ activities in the hospital. Champion the ethics, CPD and skills development program within the institution. Assist with strategies of reducing ethical cases in the clinical areas. Orientation and induction of newly employed personnel, ensuring of a sustainable coaching and mentoring program. Ability to facilitate and teach therapeutic nursing groups in the allocated wards. Implement and monitor compliance with Gauteng Continuous Professional Development Model. Active participation in the training of nurses on psychiatric rehabilitation groups and other skills needed for management of Mental Health Care Users.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Sono Tel No: (011) 951-8202
APPLICATIONS : Sterkfontein Hospital, Private Bag X2010, Krugersdorp, 1740, or hand delivered to the application box at the entrance.
NOTES : Applications must be submitted on fully completed new format Z83 (81/971431 www.dpsa.gov.za) fully completed CV, The department of Health is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity. Employment especially of race, gender and disability, failure to submit all the requested documents will result in. the application not being considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (PSC) verification (reference checks – provide at least 3 of which one must be your immediate supervisor, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification), recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by Occupational Health and Safety Act 5/1993.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 Time: 12H00
(Child Nursing Science, Oncology, Critical care, Nephrology)
Directorate: Paediatrics
SALARY : R400 644 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma or Degree in Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a professional Nurse. Current registration with the South African Nursing Council. A minimum of four (4) years appropriate/ recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. A post basic qualification with a duration of at least one (1) year, accredited with the SANC in one of the specialties referred to in the glossary of terms. Competencies/knowledge/skills: Demonstrate an understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practice. Perform a clinical nursing practice in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility. Promote quality of nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the relevant health facility.
DUTIES : Provide optimal, holistic, specialised nursing care with set standards and within a professional/legal framework. Effective utilisation of resources. Participate in training and research. Provide support to nursing services. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and self- development. Act as shift leader in the unit (where necessary). Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors and other health professionals and junior colleagues. Implementation of ideal Hospital and Realization Framework.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NB Mulaudzi Tel No: (011) 933 0134/9779
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing Department
SALARY : Grade 1: R400 644 – R464 466 per annum, (plus benefits)
Grade 2: R492 756 – R606 042 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, Basic R425 (i.e., Diploma/Degree in nursing) qualification or equivalent qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. A post basic nursing qualification in Operating Theatre Nursing Science with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC. Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in general nursing. Displays acceptable Professional image and maintain ethical standards. Knowledge of Public servants’ code of conduct Actively participate in compliance with the NCS, Ideal Health and Batho Pele Principles. Grade 1: less than 09 years relevant experience as a Specialty Nursing after registration with SANC. Grade 2: At least 10 years but less than 19 years relevant experience as a Professional Nurse after registration with SANC.
DUTIES : Demonstrate an understanding of Nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Perform all theatre nursing practices in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility. Promote quality of theatre nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the relevant health facility. Demonstrate a basic understanding of HR and financial policies and practices. Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors, other health professionals and team members, including more complex report writing when required. Work as part of multidisciplinary team at unit level to ensure good theatre nursing care by nursing team. Work effectively and amicably at all theatre nursing care levels with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial, or religious differences. Able to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper theatre nursing care. Display a concern for patients, promoting advocating, facilitating proper treatment/procedures and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patients needs requirements and expectations (Batho Pele).
ENQUIRIES : Mr TF Budzwa Tel No: (012) 354-7600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital cnr Dr savage road and Steve Biko Road Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing Department
SALARY : Grade 1: R400 644 – R464 466 per annum, (plus benefits)
Grade 2: R492 756 – R606 042 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, Basic R425 (i.e., Diploma/Degree in nursing) qualification or equivalent qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. A post basic nursing qualification in Advanced midwifery and neonatal nursing Science with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC. Registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in general nursing. Grade 1: less than 09 years relevant experience as a Specialty Nursing after registration with SANC. Grade 2: At least 10 years but less than 19 years relevant experience as a Professional Nurse after registration with SANC.
DUTIES : Demonstrate an understanding of Nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Perform all clinical nursing practices in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility. Promote quality of midwifery and neonatal nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the relevant health facility. Demonstrate a basic understanding of HR and financial policies and practices. Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors, other health professionals and junior colleagues, including more complex report writing when required. Work as part of multidisciplinary team at unit level to ensure good midwifery and neonatal nursing care by nursing team. Work effectively and amicably at a supervisory level with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial, or religious differences. Able to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Display a concern for patients, promoting advocating facilitating proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patients needs requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Able to develop contracts, build and maintain a network of professional relations to enhance service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : Mr TF Budzwa Tel No: (012) 354-7600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital cnr Dr savage road and Steve Biko Road Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Financial Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Cullinan Care & Rehabilitation Centre: Province: Gauteng
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/Degree in Finance Management or equivalent qualification as recognised by SAQA. Minimum of 5 years relevant experience in Supply Chain Management and Finance management of which 3 years must be supervisory experience within the Public Sector. Knowledge of Finance Management and Supply Chain. Knowledge and experience in PFMA, Treasury regulations and relevant Finance and Supply Chain policies and prescripts. In-depth knowledge of basic accounting transversal systems such as BAS, SAP, SRM, MEDSAS, etc. Computer literacy and in-depth knowledge of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Must have a valid driver’s licence. Competencies: Needs to be able to manage finance and Supply chain processes, develop, review, and implement financial accounting systems procedures in with the relevant legislation, regulations, frameworks and departmental policies and procedures. Must have ability to plan, organise, implement, monitor, evaluate, analyse, and execute corrective measures. Able to meet commitments and produce results as pre required timeframes. Willingness to work irregular hours when required.
DUTIES : Manage the hospital’s finances and Supply chain processes. Manage hospital budget, expenditure, and demand plan. Manage the reconciliation of transversal systems and control accounts. Assist with budget planning, render advice on cost containment in relation to expenditure trends and compile expenditure reports. Monitor the policy and legislative framework to ensure there is audit compliance and cognisance is taken of new developments. Develop and maintain standard operating procedures and processes. Optimise revenue collection and effective debt management. Ensure that payment of compensation of employees, goods and services, transfers, subsidies, and reporting are efficiently and effectively performed. Facilitate payment of service providers within the required timeframe. Provide financial administration and accounting services (ledgers/journals, accounting, and reporting (interim and annual financial statements). Provide advice and guidance to end users and relevant stakeholders on budget, revenue, and expenditure procedures. Implement effective Human Resources and general administrative management within finance for optimal management of subordinates. Ensure that there is a seamless system with efficient processes to reach objectives within the timeframes required. To facilitate the demand plan management and monitor the asset register. Knowledge of asset management, serve on relevant statutory committees as required. Ensure compliance with quality standards from the Office of Health Standards Compliance. Develop and implement relevant strategic and operational plans with monitoring and evaluation of finance and supply chain to achieve hospital objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. Magadze TA Tel No: 0127347000
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be hand delivered to the following address: Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre, Zonderwater Road, Cullinan, or posted to Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre, Private Bag X1005, Cullinan, 1000
NOTE : The applications must be submitted on signed new Z83 with a comprehensive CV only. Certified copies of ID and qualifications to be submitted only if shortlisted.
CLOSING DATE : 09 December 2022 at 12 noon.
Directorate: Physiotherapy
SALARY : R332 427 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows for registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as an independent practice Physiotherapist. No experience required after completion of community service in Physiotherapy. Skills/Competence. Knowledge: Computer literacy (Ms Word, Ms Excel). Ability to work as a member of a multidisciplinary team. Knowledge of current health and public service legislation, regulations, and policies. Knowledge in the application of clinical Physiotherapy theory, practices, and ethics. Communication skills, report writing skills, planning & organizational skills, networking & liaison skills, basic Physiotherapy clinical skills, research skills, analytical skills, presentation skills. Effective interpersonal skills and leadership qualities.
DUTIES : Render effective patient centred Physiotherapy services for in- and outpatients in adherence to the scope of practice and health protocols. Carry out delegated duties. Implement and adhere to national, provincial, institutional, and departmental policies, procedures, regulations, guidelines, and SOP’s. Work with colleagues and provide relieve as and when the need arises. Work closely with the interdisciplinary team members. Perform weekend and public holiday duties in accordance with departmental protocols. Participate in student training, supervision, and participate in performance management and development (PMDS). Monitor proper utilization of allocated financial and physical resources. Participate in the implementation and monitoring of quality assurance standards such as record keeping, data collection, assist with budget control, asset management, etc. Contribute and participate in professional development of self, colleagues, and members of the interdisciplinary team members. Participate in research projects of the department. Communicate effectively with all stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. E Haarhoff Tel No: 011 933 8927
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications may also be uploaded online at www.gautengonline.gov.za or http://professionaljobcentre.gpg.gov.za. Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : Tshwane Rehabilitation Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, National Diploma in Public Administration/ Public Management or equivalent qualification with 3-5 years’ experience as an Administration Clerk in patient affairs or Grade 12 with 10 years experience working as an Administration Clerk in patient affairs in public hospital environment. Knowledge of PAAB/Medicom, Word, Excel and Power Point. Knowledge of policies. Ability to work effectively in a team. Ability to work under pressure. Good communication skills, interpersonal skills and conflict management skills.
DUTIES : Manage, control and direct the Administration services (Patient Affairs, Records, Registry, Porters, Messengers and Personal assistant) effectively and efficiently by means of agreed budgets, quality standard and performance in accordance with the policies. Responsible for overall management and administration of all administration sections. Plan, implement and monitor all departmental activities related to procurement. Manage Human resources functions: Duty rooster, Leave, Job description and PMDS contracts. Ensure compliance with ideal hospital tool and quality improvement. Monitor and ensure proper utilization of the finances and physical resources. Responsible for compiling, submitting weekly and monthly reports (BOR, Waiting time, DHIS, Downtime, Monthly revenue compliance checklist, Admission/discharge billing, Outpatient billing, M&E, AG and PAIA report. Manage performance and development of staff. Develop and review of SOP’s. Perform any duties delegated by the manager.
ENQUIRIES : Ms SM Lekhuleni Tel. No: (012) 354 – 6025
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be hand delivered to Tshwane Rehabilitation Hospital, Cnr Dr Savage and Soutpansberg Road, Gezina (Pretoria). No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but must submit fully complete Z83 form and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference checks-, qualifications verification, criminal checks and credit/financial checks). Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of Criminal Verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: ICT
SALARY : R218 064 – R256 860 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Diploma in Auditing or any other 3 year relevant qualifications with any of the following subjects; Financial management, Accounting, Economics or Statistics and relevant experience. DHIS Certificate will be an added advantage. A valid driver’s licence; Computer literate; Report writing skills. Ability to develop and implement monitoring & evaluation tool; Good interpersonal relations; honest and reliable.
DUTIES : Conduct regular M&E audit as planned in the DGMAH M&E Matrix and as merited by the urgency of the situation and mandated by the supervisor. Monitor projects, systems, development of Hospital Operational Plan. Coordinate Quarterly Performance reviews and compilation of the Portfolio of Evidence. Follow-ups on areas of non-performance and work with Directorates, Clinical Departments and other stakeholders to ensure that the set objectives and their targets are met as per prescribed plans. Write the report of the outcome of the audit taken. Work with different Departments to correct discrepancies emanating from audits conducted and information collected. Ensure regular receipts of correct and quality data for the compilation of M&E report. Analyse and validate data on DHIS. Maintain electronic and manual record of all information. Manage own work and identify own development needs. Escalate challenges to the supervisor. Perform duties and functions assigned or delegated by M&E Manager. Update all M&E information within the hospital.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Maredi Tel No: 012 529 3521/3000
APPLICATIONS : can be delivered to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, 3111 Setlogelo Drive, Ga-Rankuwa, 0208 Nurses Home Block 13(HR Registry) or posted to: Dr. George Mukhari Academic Hospital, Private Bag X422, Pretoria 0001 or www.gautengonline.gov.za.
NOTE : The Provincial Government of Gauteng is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity in employment, especially of race, gender and disability. Applications must be submitted on a new updated Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website and must be completed in full, failure to do so will result in your application being not considered. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualification and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit the certified documents. The specific reference must be quoted. It is legislative requirement that all newly appointed staff members are subjected to Personnel Suitability Check (PSC) – Verification, upon appointment within the department. This verification processes entails reference checks, identity verification, qualification verification, criminal records checks. Successful candidates will be subjected to OHS medical surveillance as required by HBA regulations within OHS Act 85 of 1993. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022, closing time will be 12H00 on the closing date
Directorate: Facility Management Unit
SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12. Computer Literacy. (MS Office) Skills/Competence/Knowledge Numeracy and Typing Skills, Literacy- verbal and written communication Skills. Must have good knowledge of Public Finance Management Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Knowledge of government policies will be an added advantage. Good verbal and written communication skills. Ability to work under pressure. To have a good interpersonal skill.
DUTIES : Capturing of maintenance data. Logging defects and closing of fixed defects using E-maintenance. Administration of E-maintenance system. Provide in – depth administrative support within the unit. Arrange unit meetings and taking minutes. Liaise with the DID regarding major maintenance within the Hospital. Consolidate reports for the unit as and when requested. Assist with monitoring of all statutory Projects onsite, contractors Liaison with all stakeholders. Ensure that all FMU goods and services contracts (diesel, coal, oxygen, and other supplements) are valid and in place. Liaise with contractors to arrange deliveries of goods and services. Ensure that invoices for goods and services delivered are forwarded and processed. Ordering of material, stock and equipment for the unit. Managing the FMU stock control and storeroom. Draw up annual plan for Facility Management. Advise Managers on infrastructure management matters. Secure all grounds men equipment. Ordering of equipment for grounds men. Exercise control over the maintenance equipment and goods. Attend DID meetings and take meeting minutes. Keep records of office activities. Provide administrative support in the area of facilities management. Support Ideal Clinic assessments. Log all defects according to procedure. Follow up DID on logged defects. Support Occupational Health and safety at the workplace.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K.M Mothei Tel No: 011 933 0158
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Transport (Logistics)
SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12. Computer Literacy (MS Office).Skills/Competence/Knowledge: Ability to handle conflict. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize and plan. Sound verbal and written communication skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Applicant must be self-motivated. Good customer skills. Applicant must be prepared to rotate, and work shifts which includes weekends and public holidays. Knowledge and application of the Ideal Hospital Framework. Applicant should be prepared to undergo Medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement. Code 8 or 10 driver’s license will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Perform administrative tasks in accordance with regulatory framework. Receiving and checking of transport request. Filling trip authorisation forms for completed trips on return. Allocation of vehicles to drivers. Recording of all trips in the register. Checking and recording kilometres travelled. Liaising with contracted ambulance services for transportation of ICU services. Ensure that vehicles are in good working condition before it is issued out for trips. Compiling of logbooks monthly. Attending to telephonic and verbal enquiries. Adhere to Ideal Hospital Framework and patients’ rights and perform all duties allocated by the supervisor. Comply with the Performance Management and Development System (contracting, quarterly reviews, and final assessment.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M Themba Tel No: (011) 933-8425
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Quality Assurance
SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12. Computer Literacy (MS Office). Skills/Competence/Knowledge: Computer literate (Ms Office). Ability to handle conflict. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize and plan. Sound verbal and written communication skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Applicant must be self-motivated. Good customer skills. Applicant should be prepared to undergo medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement.
DUTIES : To ensure that all complaints are correctly captured manually and electronically, with outcomes. To ensure that patient’s ability to voice their perceptions/ opinion/ experience about the health establishment is practiced. To champion the safe keeping of all documents related to complaints and patient safety incidents, including patient’s clinical records. To assist with the meetings relating to complaints and patient’s safety incidents, including minute writing. Able to handle and solve minor complaints. Adhere to workplace policies and procedures and adhere to reporting timelines. Be up to date with the activities, services, and areas within the hospital to be able to direct customers. Be willing to undergo continuous training and development programs as required. Attend meetings and training as approved by supervisor. Comply with the Performance Management and Development System (Annual contracting, quarterly reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Ms G M Matjila Tel No: (011) 933 -9695
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : Tshwane Rehabilitation Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with 5 years’ experience Food Service Unit. Certificate in food services/ Hospitality/ Food and Beverage will be an advantage. Knowledge of therapeutic diets. Knowledge of food service equipment and operational procedures, hygiene and safety. Must have problem solving, organising, leadership, decision making, good communication and basic computer skills. Ability to work under pressure and effectively in a team. Must be able to work shift, weekends and public holidays.
DUTIES : Responsible for supervision of food service personnel and their daily activities. Responsible for conducting daily production meeting, monitor update and maintain stock control cards. Responsible for monthly stock taking. Responsible for receiving stock and issuing according to FIFO system. Responsible for reporting of faulty equipment to the FMU Department. Responsible for internal orders according to hospital procurement. Responsible for leave forms for all subordinates. Contracting staff for Misacting as a manager in the absence of Food Service Manager. Assist with ideal hospital tool during audit. Responsible for applying disciplinary procedures and writing reports. Responsible for completing monthly statistics and perform administration functions linked with food service. Be willing to relieve co-workers when required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms TR Mudau Tel No: (012) 354 – 6146
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be hand delivered to Tshwane Rehabilitation Hospital, Cnr Dr Savage and Soutpansberg Road, Gezina (Pretoria). No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but must submit fully complete Z83 form and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference checks-, qualifications verification, criminal checks and credit/financial checks). Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of Criminal Verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
SALARY : R181 599 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Odi District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Candidate must be in possession of Grade 12 certificate with 1-2 years’ experience in SCM. Diploma / Degree in Public /Logistic/ Purchasing Management will be added an advantage. Understanding of Public Service Legislative Framework including Treasury Regulations, PFMA, PPPFA, BBBEE, PAS Manual, Practice notes. Contract Management and Asset management. Knowledge of SAP R3 and SRM will be added as an advantage.
DUTIES : Perform logistical related clerical services support task. Open and manage all aspects of the VA10, VA11 tally cards as per PAS Administration System. Compile VA7/VA2 or relevant document for distribution of goods and services to relevant End-Users in the institution. Expedites any outstanding deliveries. Attend to queries emanating from orders and deliveries. Capture invoice on SRM/SAP R3. Attend to WEB CYCLE invoice and queries relating to outstanding payments. Do follow-up on purchase orders, create and keep proper record of relevant documents / information as per treasury Regulations for audit purpose. Compile weekly and monthly (GRV and Theoretical reports). Participate in stock taking. Execute all work related instruction as required by the supervisor. N.B Rotation within the section.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Dikeme M.M.D Tel No: 012 725 2437
APPLICATIONS : Kindly forward your application to: Odi District Hospital, Klipgat road, Mabopane, HR Section or posted to: Odi District Hospital Private Bag x509, Mabopane, 0190
NOTE : Applicants must summit on a new Z83 application form obtained from any Public Service Department and are not required to submit copies of qualification and other relevant documents on application but must submit detailed curriculum vitae. The communication from HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore, only shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Therapeutic and Clinical Support Services
SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Sizwe Tropical Disease Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or equivalent qualification. Qualification in Office administration/Public Management or Administration will be an added advantage. At least 1-2 years of experience in administration. Excellent telephone etiquette and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of minutes taken during meetings and document management skills. Basic knowledge of financial and cost management, report writing skills, stock control and management. Computer literacy (MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Internet & Email). Must be able to deal with the public and other stakeholders, internally and externally. High level of reliability, confidentiality and professionalism. Must be willing to rotate and able to work under pressure. Must be able to perform record management and electronic filing.
DUTIES : Registration and release of documents from the office. Ensure effective and correct flow of information and documents to and from the responsible office. Perform all relevant administrative duties allocated by the manager. Provide administrative support in the Clinical and Therapeutic and Clinical Support Services department. Compile, type and distribute correspondence, reports, statistics and documents. Order stationery and other consumables for the office. Manage and control stock. Attend meetings and take minutes as approved by the manager. Receive and consolidate reports from various Clinical and Therapeutic Support Services departments. Screen and transfer telephone calls and handle enquiries from internal and external clients.
ENQUIRIES : Ms MC Thomas Tel No: 011 531 4488
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to: The HR Manager, Sizwe Tropical Disease Hospital, Private Bag x2, Sandringham, 2131 or hand delivered to Sizwe Tropical Disease Hospital main entrance, No.2 Corner Club and Modderfontein Road, Sandringham.
NOTE : The application must include only fully completed and signed new Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.gov.za, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of interview. Applicants must indicate the department for which they are applying for. Applications received after closing date as well as those that do not comply with the requirements i.e incomplete Z83, will not be taken into consideration. All recommended candidates will be subjected to vetting processes (i.e. Reference check, qualification verification, police clearance, citizenship verification etc.)
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Pharmaceutical Services
SALARY : R181 599 – R213 912 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Pretoria West District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 certificate or equivalent qualification. Higher Certificate in stock control. Knowledge of BAS, basic knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Supply Chain Management policies and procedures. Good communication, Interpersonal relation, presentation skills and Computer skills in MS Office package (MS Word, MS Excel and MS Power Point or SCM Systems. Health (Hospital and Pharmacy) environment background will be an added advantage. Knowledge of Rx-Solution stock monitoring system will be an added Advantage. A valid driver’s license is required. Competencies: Good verbal and written communication, Good numeracy skills and strong relations. Ability to interact with all levels both internal (end-users) and external stakeholders. Must have the ability to work independently under intense pressure and be creative thinker. Have a good ethical conduct, analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Added advantage: Three (3) to five (5) years’ experience in Supply Chain is required.
DUTIES : Assist in ordering and receipt of medicines/surgical supplies that includes capturing of Approved orders on Rx Solution and RDM. Report all discrepancies discovered during stock receipt to the procurement pharmacist. Reconcile orders journaled against the pharmacy budget with invoiced Received by pharmacy. Make follow up with the supplier on all reported discrepancies and compile a Feedback report. Prepare and participate in bi-yearly stock taking, Prepare stock take document. Partake in Stock take count, capture stock take finding on the inventory system Request quotations and Prepare documentations for Buy-out processes. Request quotation from suppliers. Ensure that all SCM Documents are valid and RLSO1 is properly competed. Ordering of stationary & dry dispensary from Supply Chain stores by appointed chief user clerk.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. T Monamme Tel No: (012) 380 12/49/50
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be delivered to Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, 380 Sytze Wierda Avenue, Philip Nel Park, Pretoria West NB: Please Sign The Delivery Register or posted to: Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, Private Bag X02, Pretoria West. 0117: The employer reserves the right to fill or not fill the post.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 form and attach a Copy of CV. Only Shortlisted candidate will be required to submit certified copies of documents. Failure to do so will lead into disqualification. General information: Short-listed candidates must be available for interviews at a Date and time determine by the Pretoria west Hospital.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 16:00
Directorate: Admin and Logistics Department
SALARY : R151 884 per annum (Level 04), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade12 with 1-2 years’ experience. A valid driver’s licence with PDP (willing to renew at own expense). Experience in the public service environment will be an added advantage. Knowledge of Batho Pele Principles. Ability to perform routine tasks. Knowledge of government fleet and transport policies will be an added advantage. Good command of English language ability to work under pressure. Sound interpersonal relations.
DUTIES : Transport the officials, correspondence and patients to and from various destinations. Follow procedures to operate vehicle as prescribed by legislation/policy. Inspect vehicle and report defects for timeous repairs to transport manager. Check level of fuel, oil, tyres and water. Perform messenger functions and routine office support functions as well as registry functions. Promote proper handling, safekeeping and control of vehicles. Ensure cleanliness and maintenance of the car. Excellent time management and ability to adhere to a schedule. Ability to work in a team. Expected to work on weekends/public holidays and shifts. Have initiative and problem-solving skills. Ability to handle confidential information.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Letwaba RG Tel No: (012) 354 7802
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital Cnr Dr savage road and Steve Biko Road Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Admin Logistics and Support-Patient Registrations
SALARY : R151 884 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/ Matric with 0-1 year working experience. Basic knowledge of administration processes. Good communication skills, Numeracy skills, Computer Literacy (knowledge and understanding of all MS programs) and ability to draw data. Computer certificate will be an added advantage. Self-propelled. Responsive person with positive attitude. Good in time management. Knowledge of the Batho-Pele principles.
DUTIES : Provide administrative support services: Capture and update data on computer. Generate spread sheets. Update the system on all data sets. Validate data (for quality purpose) to ensure correctness, completeness and consistency. Compile routine statistical information/reports. Receive, register and track records or documents submitted for further processing in the administration component of the institution. Capture routine transactions on computer such as the transfer of information from manual records to electronic documents. Provide routine and administrative maintenance services: Update and file records. Continuous updating of information on computer for reporting purposes. Maintain DHIS database. Retrieve information required. Submit reports to relevant directorate as requested. Answer to all incoming calls in the office.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. MN Mbinga Tel No: 012 734 7000 ext. 259
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be hand delivered to the following address: Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre, Zonderwater Road, Cullinan, or posted to Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre, Private Bag X1005, Cullinan, 1000
NOTE : The applications must be submitted on signed new Z83 with a comprehensive CV only. Certified copies of ID and qualifications to be submitted only if shortlisted. Shortlisted candidates will undergo simulation test.
CLOSING DATE : 09 December 2022 @ 12 noon
Directorate: Admin and Support
SALARY : R151 884 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : Cullinan Care & Rehabilitation Centre Province: Gauteng
REQUIREMENTS : Abet level 4 with minimum 8 years as a cleaner or Grade 12 with 2 years cleaning experience. Ability to read and write. (Skills needed): management abilities such as time management and personnel management, verbal communication skill, computer literacy, supervisory experience and negotiation abilities. Knowledge of cleaning chemicals.
DUTIES : supervise the work of subordinates and ensure that high standards of cleaning are attained. Design shifts, allocate duties and cleaning materials / equipment. Order, receive and store cleaning material safely. Management of human resource (PMDS, Leave and sectional reports) Report any broken equipment and send for repairs/ maintenance. Attend meetings, address the issue of the personal protective equipment, do weekly inspections, write reports about incidents in the cleaning section.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. MN Mbinga Tel No: (012) 734-7218
APPLICATIONS : should be hand delivered to Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre: Human Resource Department; Zonderwater Road; Cullinan or posted to Cullinan Care and Rehabilitation Centre; Human Resource; Private Bag X 1005, Cullinan; 1000. Applications should be delivered by 12h00 pm (Noon) on the closing date including posted mails. No e-mailed applications will be accepted.
NOTE : Applicants are encouraged to record their names when applying on the register allocated if it is hand delivery. Applicants must fill in application on a New Version Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The completed and signed Z83 form should be accompanied by a recently updated CV. Applicants must indicate the post reference number on their applications. Note: certified copies of qualifications will be requested for only shortlisted candidate. Candidates recommended for appointment will be verified. Applications received after closing date and time will not be considered. Disabled, Whites and Coloured people are encouraged to apply. The candidates will be expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department.
CLOSING DATE : 09 December 2022
Directorate: Logistics (Transport)
SALARY : R128 166 per annum (Level 03), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH
REQUIREMENTS : Abet Level 3/ NQF level 3/ Grade 07. Code 14/EC Drivers licence with valid PDP drivers permit. Three-Five (3-5) years’ experience as heavy-duty vehicle. Skills/Competence/Knowledge Basic knowledge of the legislative framework and processes related to handling of vehicles in government. Ability to handle conflict. Must be prepared to engage in intensive labour practices. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work independently an in a team. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize and plan. Sound verbal and written communication skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Must be self-motivated. Ability to handle tasks of multidisciplinary nature. Good customer skills and competencies. Knowledge of Labour Relations processes. Must be prepared to work shifts which includes, fixed, after hours, night duty, weekends and public holidays. Knowledge of the Batho Pele Principals. Applicant should be prepared to undergo drivers testing and medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement.
DUTIES : Execute all authorized transportation trips of patients, staff, records, linen to relevant destinations. Check the level and condition of fuel, water, oil and tires every time before driving a vehicle. Complete the vehicle inspection form after checking vehicle for any problems (e.g. dents and scratches) and report dents and scratches on vehicles. Report and complete the accident report when involved in a motor vehicle accident immediately. Report minor and major defects on the vehicle to supervisor. Responsible for safekeeping of vehicle keys, while vehicles are in use. Responsible for spare wheel, jack and all other tools in vehicle. Ensure that the vehicle is clean and in a good condition before handing back the keys at the end of the shift. Report low fuel level to Despatcher at the end of your shift. Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, prescripts and procedures at all times. Complete vehicle lock book as prescribed by legislations. Attend to enquiries in a professional manner and give guidance and advice. Promote the safekeeping of the vehicles from damages. Comply with the rotation roster. Adhere to all legal instructions given to you written or verbally by a senior staff member. Adhere to timelines. Attend meetings and training as approved by the supervisor. Comply with the Performance Management and Development System (PMDS). Transporting of patients to various hospitals and/or internal hospital trips.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M Themba Tel No: (011) 933-8425
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing Department
SALARY : R128 166 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10 or equivalent. Should be able to read and write, good communication skills and telephone etiquette. Physically fit to cope with the physical demands of the post, able to work under pressure. Willing to work shifts, weekends, nights and Public holidays. Manage time effectively. Adhere to Batho Pele principles, six Ministerial priorities, and code of conduct.
DUTIES : Receive unsterile packs from the wards, check that they are complete and in good working condition. Washing of the instruments. Packing, autoclaving, and issuing of sterile packs to the wards. Folding, packing, autoclaving various towels, gowns and small packs. Effective handling of cooled down items to be packed in sterile store area. Responsible for cleaning and damp dusting all areas in the department (CSSD and theatre) Effective utilisation of human, physical and material resources. Adhere to IPC and OHS safety measures. Report any challenges noted to the supervisor. Other duties as delegated by the supervisor. Scrubbing and polishing the floors, damp dusting trollies, furniture, window seals, blinds, doors and scrubbing of walls.
ENQUIRIES : Mr TF Budzwa Tel No: (012) 354 7600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital Cnr Dr savage road and Steve Biko Road Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Admin and Logistics Department
SALARY : R107 196 per annum (Level 02), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS Grade 10, with the hospital cleaning environment experience Good Verbal Communication and interpersonal skills. Be able to work in team.
DUTIES : Ensure maintenance of general cleanliness of the wards. Serve tea, food and water to patients. To ensure proper Handling of kitchen crockery and cutlery. Packing of clean linen in the linen store inside the ward. Pack dirty linen inside linen bags and seal for collection. Sealing of boxes for medical waste. Monitor linen stock levels and order when the need arises. Clean walls, windows, locker and patients’ bed inside the wards. Disinfection of all surfaces according to programme and supervisor’s instruction. Report defect to works department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms RG Letwaba Tel No: (012) 354 7802
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital Cnr Dr savage road and Steve Biko Road Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Logistics (Garden & Pest Control)
SALARY : R107 196 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : ABET Level 3 or Grade 7. Skills/Competence/Knowledge: Basic knowledge of the legislative framework and processes related to gardening and pest control. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize and plan. Sound verbal and written communication skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Must be self-motivated. Ability to handle tasks of multidisciplinary nature. Must be prepared to work after hours, weekends and public holidays. Knowledge of the Batho Pele Principals. Must be able to work with garden machines. Knowledge/experience in gardening and pest control will be an advantage.
DUTIES : Picking up of litter (papers, cigarette stumps and other objects) daily. Maintain the gardens by watering the garden, prune and trim flowers and tree, mow the grass, cultivate the soil for trees and flowers. Remove weeds in flower beds and on pavement. Apply insecticides to weeds. Remove weeds, dry leaves from storm water drains and gutters. Creation of garden landscaping to beautify the environment. Contain and dispose of garden waste (rubble) to area of collection (Pikitup bins at Gardening Department) daily. Keep and maintain garden material and equipment. Report broken garden equipment to the Team Leader. Clean garden machines and equipment after use. Spray or dust chemical solutions, powders or gases into rooms, onto clothing, furnishings or wood and over marshlands, ditches, catch-basins at all Wards and departments. Set traps and place poisonous paste or bait in sewers, burrows and ditches. Inspect premises to identify infestation source and extent of damage to property, wall and roof porosity and access to infested locations. Record work activities performed. Clean work site after completion of job by removing dead rodents. Remove all dead pets around the institution. Ensure to follow the fumigation roster. Comply with the rotation roster. Adhere to all legal instructions given to you written or verbally by a senior staff member. Adhere to timelines. Attend meetings and training as approved by the supervisor. Comply with the Performance Management and Development System (PMDS).
ENQUIRIES : Mr B. Mokonyane Tel No: 011 933 8827
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Nursing
SALARY : R107 196 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital:
OPD and HAST (X1 Post)
Internal Medicine and (X1 Post)
Paediatrics (X2 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : AET/Abet Level 3 or equivalent (Grade 7). Skills/Competence/Knowledge: Ability to work under pressure. Basics knowledge of legislative framework and processes relating to messaging. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels. Ability to organize and plan. Sound verbal and communication skills. Ability to act with tact and discretion. Must be self –motivated. Must be prepared to rotate to other units as well as work shifts which include night duty, weekends, and public holidays. Knowledge and application of the Batho Pele principles. Ability to liaise with internal and external stakeholders. It is an inherent requirement of the job to ethical and always maintains confidentiality. Applicant should be prepared to undergo medical surveillance as an inherent job requirement.
DUTIES : Distribution of internal and external memos, circulars and delivering of post. Assist in patient’ records filling and distributing of records to the internal l and external stake holders, Distribute the VA2 forms to stores, collecting the files left by the patients from pharmacy to the department, and collect files to all discipline Arrange files for the clinic for those patients that are coming for the following day. Distribute the important documents to Human resources department. Adhere to all legal instruction given to you written and verbally by senior member/ Supervisor. Adhere to timelines. Attend meetings and training as approved by the supervisor. Comply with the Performance Management and development System (Contracting, quarterly reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mulaudzi Tel No: (011)933 0134
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Logistics (Food Nutrition)
SALARY : R107 196 per annum (Level 02), (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : (AET/ABET) LEVEL 3 or equivalent (Grade 7).Skills/Competence/Knowledge: Knowledge in food service unit practices and standards. Ability to lift and move heavy equipment and supplies. Ability to be on your feet for a period of 12 hours per day. Ability to work shifts during the day, weekends and public holidays. Ability to prepare meals according to standardised recipes, as well as safely and correctly handle industrial equipment. Basic knowledge of the food service hygiene and safety principles. Handle conflict management. Responsible for meal distribution to the wards. General knowledge of foodstuff, cosmetics, and disinfectants act.
DUTIES : Perform all tasks emanating from the preparation and serving of food. Maintain hygiene and safety standards. Responsible for cleanliness of the unit, kitchen equipment, utensils and food trolleys. Assist in the receiving and safe storage of food and other products. Ensure the segregation of food items within the unit and prevent any cross contamination in the storage and preparation process.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Hlongwa Tel No: (011) 933 9423
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be hand delivered to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to 3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at www.dpsa.gov.za/documents. The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should state Department of Health (Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital). According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview. Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Facility Management Unit
SALARY : R107 196 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Tshwane District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 10/ Abet level 4, Good communication and interpersonal relations skills. Experience in landscaping, horticulture, waste management, maintenance, pest control. A qualification N4 Building, Plumbing. Electrical and fitting and turning will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Maintenance of gardens, landscaping and horticulture, waste management, maintenance tasks, pest control, using of gardening equipment. Will be expected to undertake minor maintenance work such as unblocking of drains, fixing broken doors and furniture, minor welding tasks. Removal of waste and redundant furniture, management of oxygen cylinders (removal and delivery). Must be able to work under pressure.
ENQUIRIES : Ms RV Mothokgo Tel No: (012) 354 7802
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be sent to: Tshwane District Hospital, Private Bag x179 Pretoria 0001 or hand delivered to Tshwane District Hospital Cnr Dr savage road and Steve Biko Road Gezina. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed new z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. if you have not been contacted within three months. After the closing date please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of criminal record verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their own cost. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022
Directorate: Medical Department
SALARY : Grade 1: R413 00 hourly rate
Grade 2: R472 00 hourly rate
Grade 3: R548 00 hourly rate
CENTRE : Pretoria West District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualifications that allows registration with HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. Current registration with HPCSA as an Occupational Health and Safety practitioner. Good Verbal and written communication skills. Ability to work in a team. Ability to work under Pressure.
DUTIES : Perform occupational medical related functions at PWDH. Conduct pre-employment, pre- Placement, exit and fit for duty medical examinations and medical surveillance programs.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. BL Mashaba: Tel No: (012) 380 1519 E-mail: lucy.mashaba@gauteng.gov.za
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be delivered to Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, 380 Sytze Wierda Avenue, Philip Nel Park, Pretoria West NB: Please Sign The Delivery Register or posted to: Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, Private Bag X02, Pretoria West. 0117: The employer reserves the right to fill or not fill the post.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 form and attach a copy of CV. Only Shortlisted candidate will be required to submit certified copies of documents. Failure to do so will lead into disqualification. General information: Short-listed candidates must be available for interviews at a Date and time determine by the Pretoria west Hospital.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 16:00
Directorate: Allied Department
SALARY : Less than 10 Years relevant experience R219 00
Less than 20 Years relevant experience R257 00
Less than 20 years and more relevant R303 00
CENTRE : Pretoria West District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Occupational Therapy. Completion of community service year in Occupational Therapy. Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as an Occupational Therapist with independent practitioner status, plus proof of current registration With HPCSA. Computer literacy (Ms Word, Ms Excel). Knowledge of the public Service legislations, policies, and procedures. Good written and communication skills. Ability to work as a member of a multidisciplinary team. Analytical thinking, independent decision- Making and problem-solving skills.
DUTIES : Assess and treat all adult patients with psychiatric disorders, within allocated clinical load. Assist with other clinical loads as needed. Work experience or further training in the adult Psychiatric field would be advantageous. Partake in allocated administrative duties. Adhere to Provincial, hospital and departmental policies, procedures, guidelines and regulations. Participate in quality assurance methods. Communicate effectively with all stakeholders. Follow the correct channels of communication. Oversee allocated officials. Participate in CPD Activities. Supervise OT students. Exercise care with all consumables and equipment.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. S Ramabulana Tel No: (012) 380 1252
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be delivered to Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, 380 Sytze Wierda Avenue, Philip Nel Park, Pretoria West NB: Please Sign The Delivery Register or posted to: Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, Private Bag X02, Pretoria West. 0117: The employer reserves the right to fill or not fill the post.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 form and attach a Copy of CV. Only Shortlisted candidate will be required to submit certified copies of documents. Failure to do so will lead into disqualification. General information: Short-listed candidates must be available for interviews at a Date and time determine by the Pretoria west Hospital.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 16:00
Directorate: Allied Department
SALARY : Less than 10 Years relevant experience R219 00
Less than 20 Years relevant experience R257 00
Less than 20 years and more relevant R303 00
CENTRE : Pretoria West District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA e.g: three-year National Diploma/Degree (NQF 6) in Environmental Health. Completed community service as an Environmental Health Practitioner. Current registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). A valid driver’s license Knowledge and understanding of the scope of profession for Environmental Health Practitioners.
DUTIES : Health surveillance of premises, Conduct Health and Hygiene inspections at the Hospital. Monitor and support the implementation of Environmental Health related policies, strategies, and guidelines Liaise with other stakeholders on Environmental Health related issues, support Implementation of the National EH norms and standards. Contribute towards the achievement Of Malaria Elimination, Monitor the Hazardous Substance Dealers for compliance to The Hazardous Substance Act. Conduct Environmental Health Impact Assessments (EIA’s), Coordinate EH training programs in the district. Conduct awareness campaigns in accordance With the Environmental Health calendar. Assist with any other EH related activities delegated by the supervisor / manager.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. S Ramabulana Tel No: (012) 380 1252
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be delivered to Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, 380 Sytze Wierda Avenue, Philip Nel Park, Pretoria West NB: Please Sign The Delivery Register or posted to: Pretoria West Hospital, HR Department, Private Bag X02, Pretoria West. 0117: The employer reserves the right to fill or not fill the post.
NOTE : People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 form and attach a Copy of CV. Only Shortlisted candidate will be required to submit certified copies of documents. Failure to do so will lead into disqualification. General information: Short-listed candidates must be available for interviews at a Date and time determine by the Pretoria west Hospital.
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 16:00