Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Vacancies 2022: Check Posts, Qualifications and How to Apply

Department of Mineral Resources and Energy


The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer and it is its intention to promote representivity in the Public Sector through the filling of this post. Persons whose transfer/promotion/appointment will promote representivity will therefore receive preference. An indication in this regard will be vital in the processing of applications. People with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS : Please forward your application, quoting reference, addressed to: The Director-General, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Private Bag X59, Arcadia, 0007. Application may also be hand delivered to Trevenna Campus, corner Meintjies and Francis Baard Street, former Schoeman alternatively to Matimba House Building 192 Visagie Street Corner Paul Kruger & Visagie Street Pretoria. General enquiries may be brought to the attention of Ms T Sibutha Tel No: 012 444 3319 / Mr P Ndlovu 012 406 7506

CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022

NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the recent Z83 application form which came into effect from 01 January 2021 as issued by the Minister of the Public Service Administration in line with regulation 10 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 as amended, which is obtainable online from and All sections of the Z83 must be completed (In full, accurately, legibly, honestly, signed and dated), and accompanied by a comprehensive/ detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents from shortlisted candidates only on or before the day of the interview. The Curriculum Vitae must have at least three (3) reference persons and their contacts. Failure to provide accurate information on a job application as well as incomplete information will result in a disqualification. Job applicants are required to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Job applicant for SMS positions should note that all shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be expected to prepare themselves for a technical exercise(s) as part of the Interviews. After the interviews the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment. If an invitation for an interview is not received within three (3) months after the closing date, please regard your application as unsuccessful. Requirements stated on the advertised posts are minimum inherent requirements; therefore, criteria for shortlisting will depend on the proficiency of the applications received. Applicants must note that personnel suitability checks (PSC) will be conducted on the short-listed applicants, therefore will be required to give consent in terms of the POPI Act in order for the Department to conduct this exercise. PSC includes security screening and vetting, qualification verification, criminal records, financial records checks. With regard to SMS posts, no appointment shall be effected without the recommended candidate producing a Certificate of completion for the SMS Pre-Entry Programme (Nyukela) offered by the National School of government which can be accessed via this link: Applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements, as well as application received after the closing date will not be considered. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application, He/ She must do so in writing. The Department reserves the right not to fill any advertised post at any stage of the recruitment process.


Re-advert, candidates who are applied previously are encouraged to re-apply.
SALARY : R1 105 383 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor Degree (Mining Engineering, Electrical/Mechanical Engineering (NQF Level 7) PLUS Certificate for Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency/or Certificate of Competency for Mechanical or Electrical Engineering PLUS the following competencies Knowledge of: In depth understanding and knowledge of the Mine Health and Safety, Knowledge of the policy regime affecting the minerals and mining industry; Government policy and legislations Skills: Problem solving, Communication (Verbal, written, liaison), Influencing skills, Negotiation skills, Proven management skills, Management & Organisation skills, Advanced analytical skills, Good interpersonal relations at all levels, Conflict management skills, Creativity and innovation, Numerical, Organising and Coordinating, Facilitation and implementation, Financial management, Negotiation and Consultation skills, Problem solving and analysis, Strategic capability and leadership, Change management; Thinking Demands: Creative/Innovative thinker, Logical, Objective, Accurate, Diplomatic. Recommendation/Note: No appointment shall be effected without the recommended candidate producing a Certificate of completion for the SMS Pre-Entry Programme (Nyukela) offered by the National School of government which can be accessed via this link: Candidates will undergo a compulsory competency assessments and technical assessment. The Candidate will have to disclose her/ his financial Interests.

DUTIES : Ensure/provide specialist advice/information in respect of occupational safety related matters as well as the status of occupational safety in the mining industry. Ensure research and benchmarking of the status of occupational safety in the mining industry with international counterparts/countries in order to identify training and policy needs. Ensure quality assurance of the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate processes and outputs (eg. inspections, audits, investigations and enquiries). Ensure /Assist with the technical aspects of standards, legislation and specifications. Manage the collection, storage and dissemination of information. Chair/participate in various statutory and other committees/forums. Manage Directorate.

ENQUIRIES : Mr X Mbonambi at 082 787 3369

NOTE : Indian, Coloured male and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.

SALARY : R1 105 383 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Degree/ B Tech in Petroleum /Engineering/Metallurgical/ Chemical/ Process Engineering/ Natural Science / Geology/ Environmental Science/ Degree in Law B Proc, BCom Law, LLB) , Degree in Development studies (NQF Level 7) with minimum of 5 years’ experience middle management in policy development PLUS the following competencies Knowledge of: Policy Development Process, detailed knowledge of energy sector, project management, financial management, departmental policies and procedures, other government , department policies ( especially economic cluster Skills:. Leadership, Management, planning and organising, project management, Communication (Verbal & written), policy analysis and development, computer, presentation skills, interpersonal skills, language skills; Thinking Demands: Innovative, Analytical, creativity, decision reasoning/making. Recommendation/Note: No appointment shall be effected without the recommended candidate producing a Certificate of completion for the SMS Pre-Entry Programme (Nyukela) offered by the National School of government which can be accessed via this link: Candidates will undergo a compulsory competency assessments and technical assessment. The Candidate will have to disclose her/ his financial Interests.

DUTIES : Manage, plan and develop strategic policy directions for delivering major policy initiatives relating to gas. Manage processes to analyse and evaluate existing policies and formulate future policy options and initiatives for gas. Lead interactive and consultative processes with appropriate government and non- government agencies and key industry or sector stakeholders on the process of developing/ proposing gas policies. Provide support/advice to the Director-General, Deputy Minister and the Minister on gas regulation and policy related matters. Manage the development and review of legislations and regulations on gas efficiency and gas sectors. Liaise with gas regulators in South Africa and other regulators abroad. Manage the Directorate.

ENQUIRIES : Mr G Nhlapho Tel No: 012 4443836

NOTE : Female candidates are encouraged to apply.


SALARY : R908 502 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Natural Science (Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Environmental/ Chemistry) Engineering (Chemical/ Metallurgy, Geology/ Chemical Mining/ Environmental Science / Geology/ Geochemistry / Energy Studies/LLB / B com Law, (NQF 7) Tertiary qualification in policy development would be added advantage with a minimum of 3 years’ experience at a junior management level in the mining and mineral sector PLUS the following competencies, Knowledge of: Knowledge of Policy Development Process, detailed knowledge of petroleum sector. project management. financial management. Policies/ laws governing petroleum sector. Knowledge of the minerals and mining industry. Knowledge of the policy regime affecting the minerals and mining industry. Government policy and legislation. Public administration and management Skills: Leadership. Management. Planning and organising. Project Management. Communication (written and verbal). Policy analysis and development. Computer. Presentation skills and interpersonal skills, thinking demands: Problem solving. Innovate. Analytical. Creativity. Critical thinking logical.

DUTIES : Plan and develop policy initiatives relating to mining and mineral policies. Analyse and evaluate existing policies and formulate future policy options and initiatives. Interact and consult with appropriate government and non-government agencies and key industry or sector stakeholders on the process of developing /proposing mining and mineral policies. Conduct policy presentations and represent the department at various forums or workshops on mining and mineral sector policy related matters. Monitor, analyse and report on the effectiveness of policy initiatives as implemented and applied within the mining and mineral sector. Draft and amend legislation and/ or develop and review regulations in relation to mining and mineral efficiency and mining industry. Provide managerial activities.

ENQUIRIES : Ms S Mamogale Tel No: 012 444 3838

NOTE : Indian, Coloured or White males and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.

SALARY : R908 502 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in Business Management/ Economics/ Accounting/ Financial Management/ Energy Studies/ Engineering/ Natural Science (NQF 6) with a minimum of 3 years in a junior managerial position in a Hydrocarbons and regulatory related sector, PLUS the following competencies, Knowledge of: Knowledge of and interest in the South African energy and petroleum industries. Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act 120 off 1997), as amended and regulations thereto. Working knowledge of regulatory and licence administrative systems. Experience in data manipulation and analysis, as well as report writing. Working knowledge of Petroleum and Liquid Fuels Charter and a strategic understanding of the implementation potential and/ or constraints thereof Skills: Analytical skills. Convey PPAA knowledge to clients and directing client on what supporting evidence is required. Organizing, planning (strategic/business or operational/financial, interpersonal skills). Good communication skills (written and verbal). Reporting Writing. Ability to communicate clearly with stakeholders in the public and private sector. People management skills, thinking demands: Problem solving/ analytical creativity.

DUTIES : Manage the evaluation of applications and accompanying records and documents to gather information about their eligibility and credibility to ensure that the application complies with the provisions of the PPAA. Conduct research and evaluate the validity for a need to conduct re-site visit in consultation with the Director and or Chief Director as and when necessary to verify the need for the retailing operation and determine whether the operation will promote the objectives of the PPAA. Monitor, manage, evaluate and audit the turnaround times all applications, while also managing the quality assurance of data and assumptions provided to determine the economic viability of the business. Conduct market research and analyse the trend within the industry in order to add intelligence to the license analysis processes (e.g. Refineries/Biofuel applications, wholesaling, retailing). Analyse appeals received from the Department’s Legal Service Directorate and give independent account of how the controller reached each administrative decision in question. Manage and engage with all internal and external stakeholders with regards to petroleum licensing analysis process. Provide managerial activities.

ENQUIRIES : Ms P Manthata Tel No: 012 407 7347

NOTE : Indian, Coloured or White males and person with disability are encouraged to apply.

SALARY : R908 502 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : Degree in Administration or Financial qualification (NQF 7) PLUS with minimum of 3 years’ experience at a junior managerial level in an administration environment: Knowledge of: knowledge and understanding of legislation, policies and work procedures. Knowledge of a MPRDA and mining industry at large, knowledge of the public service legislation including PFMA Skills: Organisational and communication skills. Computer and Management skills. Numeracy and financial skills. Internal Audit skills. Thinking demands: Decision making. Information and evaluation. Creativity. Have experience in both creditors and debtors’ functions. Analytical thinker.

DUTIES : Develop and maintain an effective policy and administrative framework. Develop, integrate, maintain and the online application system namely South African Mineral Resource Administration (SAMRAD). Manage the budget and financial control of the branch. Monitor the receiving and recording of application in terms of the MPRDA on SAMRAD including post licensing and integrating of reports into the SAMRAD system to compile summary reports. Liaise with Legal Services Chief Directorate regarding applications for access to information for the mineral regulation branch and ensure compliance to PAIA prescripts in the handling thereof. Serve as a branch contact person in liaising with other branches. Provide Audit Support. Manage the Sub-directorate.

ENQUIRIES : Ms G Baloyi Tel No: 012 406 7678

NOTE : Indian, Coloured or White males and person with disability are encouraged to apply.

SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma /Degree in Office Administration/ Office Management and Technology / Public Administration (NQF 6) PLUS with minimum of 3 years’ experience in administration environment Knowledge of: Public Financial Management Act. Treasury Regulations. Public Service Act and Public Service Regulation, 2016 as amended. Mineral Petroleum Resource Development Act (MPRDA). Petroleum Product Act (PPA). Energy, mineral and mining policies. Administration procedures and principles. Legislation Governing Public Entities. Budgeting in the Public service. Departmental Policies and procedure. Knowledge of the functioning of a Ministerial and Parliamentary Office. Knowledge of governmental protocol and communication. Policies in the Public Sector Labour Legislation. Knowledge and understanding of international liaison. Knowledge of project management Skills: Project management. Administration and coordination. Organisational skills. Financial Management. Report compilation. Computer literacy, written and communication skills. Presentation skills and good people skills. Thinking demands: Analyse and evaluate reports. Business plans, budget and performance agreements and provide recommendation.

DUTIES : Consolidate, oversee and analyse the Branch‘s budget to ensure delivery in terms of the key strategic objectives. Manage and consolidate Branch inputs/reports follow-up on decisions, agreements/commitments and manage documents. Oversee the organising of workshop /strategic planning sessions as well as performing secretariat functions in meeting. Manage the process of developing performance agreement of the Deputy Director and Branch Chief Director and ensure alignment with key strategic objectives. Identify role player and organise interactions between the mineral and petroleum regulation branch chief director and other branches. Scrutinise submission / reports and make recommendation to the Mineral and Petroleum Regulation Branch. Supervise and develop staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms G Baloyi Tel No: 012 406 7678

NOTE : Indian, Coloured or White males are encouraged to apply.

SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Western Cape Region Cape Town

REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma in Occupational Hygiene /Environmental Health / Environmental Management (NQF 6) PLUS Certificate on Mine Environmental Control plus a valid driver’s licence, with a minimum of 3 years’ experience. PLUS the following competencies: Knowledge of: Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations & Legal, Hazard identification and risk management, Public Service Staff Code, DMRE Policy, Skills: Ability to interpret and apply Mine Health and Safety Act; DMR Policy and staff codes, Management skills- planning, leading, organising and controlling, Report writing and formulation, Good interpersonal relations, Be able to recommend mining occupational hygiene solutions, Negotiation skills, Language proficiency, Computer skills, Thinking demands: Innovative thinker, Analyse situations carefully, Make fair and reasonable decisions, Receptive to suggestions and ideas, Be able to stay calm and collective during difficult situations, Dynamic personality.

DUTIES : Coordinate conduct and report on underground, shaft and surface audits and inspections on matters relating to occupational hygiene exposures, stressors and other matters relating to mine occupational hygiene and take the necessary enforcement action where necessary. Investigate and report on mine related accidents, contraventions and complaints as well as analyse mine accidents and trends to determine high risk mining operations and take appropriate action. Serve on any necessary board of examiners. Investigate, consult and provide input on mine closures, prospecting rights, mining rights and permits, EMP’s and township development. Provide inputs to regional reports, revision of mining regulations, guidelines and standard; and applications of exemptions, permissions and approvals related to occupational hygiene.

ENQUIRIES : Mr L Polley at 082 461 4247

NOTE : Indian, Coloured or White females are encouraged to apply.

SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : Gauteng Region

REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma in Business Management/ Economics Accounting/ Financial Management/ Energy Studies/ Natural Science/ Engineering/ Public Management/ Public Administration (NQF 6), Qualification in Project Management will be an added advantage, with a minimum of 1 year administration experience PLUS the following competencies Knowledge of: Knowledge of and interest in the South African energy and petroleum industries. Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act 120 off 1997), as amended and regulations thereto. Working knowledge of regulatory and administrative systems. Experience in data manipulation and analysis, as well as report writing. Working knowledge of Petroleum and Liquid Fuels Charter and a strategic understanding of the implementation potential and/ or constraints thereof Skills: Prior experience in the technical project management, procurement and supplier development crucial. Analytical skills. Convey PPAA knowledge to clients and directing client on what supporting evidence is required. Organising, planning and interpersonal skills. Good Communication skills (verbal and written). Ability to communicate clearly with stakeholders in the public and private sectors, Thinking Demands: Evaluation and verification of license applications.

DUTIES : Receive and keep record of petroleum products applications. Verify applications, records, or documents in order to ensure that they are complete and in line with prescriptions of PPA and related regulation. Capture and update licensing applications and data on the licensing information system and keep record thereof in the regional registry. Collect petroleum licensing revenue. Liaise with relevant stakeholders. Issue Petroleum Licenses (Site, retail, wholesale, and manufacturing). Collect, verify and capture annual licensing information and print receipt.

ENQUIRIES : Mr T Sethosa Tel No: 012 406 7350

NOTE : African Male, Coloured or White are encouraged to apply

SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth

REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in Business Management/ Economics/ Accounting/ Financial Management/ Energy Studies/ Natural Science/ Engineering/ Public Management/ Public Administration (NQF 6), Qualification in Project Management will be an added advantage, with a minimum of 1 year administration experience PLUS the following competencies Knowledge of: Knowledge of and interest in the South African energy and petroleum industries. Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act 120 off 1997), as amended and regulations thereto. Working knowledge of regulatory and licence administrative systems. Experience in data manipulation and analysis, as well as report writing. Working knowledge of Petroleum and Liquid Fuels Charter and a strategic understanding of the implementation potential and/ or constraints thereof Skills: Prior experience in the technical project management, procure and supplier development crucial. Analytical skills. Convey PPAA knowledge to clients and directing client on what supporting evidence is required. Organising, planning and interpersonal skills. Good Communication skills (verbal and written). Ability to communicate clearly with stakeholders in the public and private sectors, Thinking Demands: Evaluation and verification of license applications.

DUTIES : Receive and keep record of petroleum products applications. Verify applications, records, or documents in order to ensure that they are complete and in line with prescriptions of PPA and related regulation. Capture and update licensing applications and data on the licensing information system and keep record thereof in the regional registry. Collect petroleum licensing revenue. Liaise with relevant stakeholders. Issue Petroleum Licenses (Site, retail, wholesale and manufacturing). Collect, verify and capture annual licensing information and print receipt.

ENQUIRIES : Mr M Mngomezulu Tel No: 043 703 6001

NOTE : Indian, Coloured or White and person with disability are encouraged to apply

SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08)
CENTRE : Eastern Cape Regional Office, Port Elizabeth

REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate bachelor’s degree, B-Tech degree or Advanced Diploma in development economics, social science, industrial science with 1-2 years relevant experience and a valid driver’s licence. Knowledge: Mineral laws, Socio-economic development issues, social and labour plan, financial management, Human Resource Development and Labour Legislations Skills: Analytical capacity, computer literacy, communication skills, research, report writing, and formulation project management Thinking Demands: forward planning, decision making, proactivity, interpretation and implementation of policies.

DUTIES : Register and acknowledge receipt of new applications for social and labour plan. Conduct preliminary and final assessments of social and labour plans on and medium scale operations. Coordinate workshops and meetings between the department and clients. Provide administrative support for sub-directorate e.g compile statistics report, draft inspection, plan, filling etc. compile letters to clients in line with the outcome of the assessment. Develop and maintain social and labour plan database, provide advice and liaise with the clients regarding social and labour plan. Conduct compliance inspections on small to medium scale operations.

ENQUIRIES : Ms A Fetsha Tel No: (041) 403 6611

NOTE : Indian males and person with disability are encouraged to apply