North West Provincial Treasury
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be forwarded to: The Director: Human Resource Management, North West Provincial Treasury, Private Bag X2060, Mmabatho 2735. You can also email your application to ptvacancies@nwpg.gov.za. The maximum limit is 35MB for applications to transmit successfully, otherwise you will have to send more than one email. When you submit through email, please put the reference number and post job title in the subject line. The reference number should be indicated on the application. If you apply for more than 1 post, please submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Applications should be submitted on time. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted and considered.
FOR ATTENTION : marked for attention: JM Moheta, K Chuma, or N Marengwa, 2nd Floor, Garona Building
CLOSING DATE : 02 December 2022 at 16h00
NOTES : Applications must quote the relevant reference number and be submitted on the NEW Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department or the DPSA website at https://www.dpsa.gov.za/newsroom/psvc/ Should an application be received using the incorrect application for employment (old Z83), it will not be considered. The Z83 must be fully completed and signed and accompanied by a comprehensive/ detailed recent Curriculum Vitae (including full particulars of training, qualifications, skills, competencies, knowledge, specific starting and ending dates in all relevant positions and clarity on the levels and ranks pertaining to experience as compared to the Public Service). At least two contactable referees should be provided. (Telephone numbers and email addresses must be indicated). Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed curriculum vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of Identity Document, Qualifications, and training certificates as well as a driver’s licence where necessary. This must be submitted on or before the day of the interviews. Non-SA citizens who are shortlisted must submit a copy of proof of permanent residence in South Africa on or before the day of the interviews. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by a SAQA evaluation report on the qualification. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation report (only when shortlisted). It will be expected of candidates to be available for interviews and assessments on the date and time and at a place as determined by the Department. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability checks. The successful candidate will be subjected to undergo security vetting. The Department will conduct reference checks which may include social media profiles of the shortlisted candidates. The successful candidate will be appointed subject to positive results of the security clearance process. The successful candidate will be required to enter into an employment contract and sign a performance agreement with the Department. All applicants are required to declare any conflict or perceived conflict of interest, to disclose memberships of Boards and Directorships that they may be associated with and declare any business they had or are conducting with an Organ of State. It will be required from employees who fall within the designated groups to do financial disclosures and to do such within three months of their appointment. Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in the disqualification of the application. Due to the large number of applications we envisage to receive, applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process and not fill a position or re-advertise the posts at any time in the future. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. Requirements For Senior Management Posts: The requirements for appointment at SMS level include the successful completion of the Senior Management Pre-entry Programme. Prior to appointment, a candidate would be required to complete the Nyukela Programme: Pre-entry Certificate to Senior Management Services which is an online course, endorsed by DPSA and the National School of Government (NSG). The course is available at the NSG under the name: Certificate for entry into the SMS. The full details can be sourced at the following link: https://www.thensg.gov.za/training-course/sms-pre-entry-programme/. For more information regarding the course please visit the NSG website at: www.thensg.gov.za. No appointment to an SMS post will take place without the successful completion of the pre-entry certificate and submission of proof thereof. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection committee will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency-based assessments.) The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA competency assessment tools.
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management
Chief Directorate: Financial Management Services
SALARY : R1 308 051 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R1 308 051 – R1 563 948 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a Bachelor Degree or Advanced Diploma in Accounting/ Financial Management (BCom) or equivalent NQF 7 qualification in related field. Ten (10) years’ relevant experience in financial management of which 5 years must be on senior management. Qualification as a CA will be an added advantage. Pre-entry Certificate for SMS is compulsory. No appointment will be made without such a certificate. Knowledge of GRAP, PFMA, MFMA, Treasury Regulations and all related prescripts. Knowledge of Government accounting, financial statement standards, financial systems, Organizational and Government structures as well as principles of financial accounting, financial planning, budgeting principles, supply chain management and Internal Control methodologies. Sound analytical, interpretive, and high-level communication and reporting skills. A proven track record of the ability to multi-task and manage change, strategic planning, business processes and efficiency, development and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems. Policy formulation and analysis, research, report writing, co-ordination, leadership, facilitation skills, problem solving. Organization skills, people management, financial management, risk management and systems management. Planning, organization and stakeholder relationship management including the ability to liaise and operate within intergovernmental context.
DUTIES : Ensure the implementation of Management Accounting processes in the Department through the planning, co-ordination, and management of the budget and MTEF budget process, the management and monitoring of revenue and expenditure and reporting in line with the PFMA. Ensure the rendering of Financial Accounting Services through the monitoring of monthly accounting services and oversee submission of interim and annual financial statements, ensure Revenue and Banking Management, ensure the management of the Departmental Financial Systems and the administration of salary related matters. Ensure the provision of Departmental Supply Chain Management Services through the monitoring of SCM demand & acquisition services, administer tender processes, management of Assets in the Department, the provision of logistical (SCM) services including the payment of suppliers within the regulated timeframes and the monitoring and management of Supply Chain Performance and Information. Ensure mechanisms in place to Prevent and detect unauthorized, irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure and losses. Management of Internal Control Processes in the Department, including the co-ordination of Auditor-General processes, monitoring of audit action plans and participation in relevant governance structures. Oversee the development and implementation of financial management policies. Provide strategic advice and guidance in terms of SCM and other financial matters to internal clients and Service Providers.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Jansen Tel (018) 388 3419
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Budget Management
Directorate: Budget and Public Finance Management
SALARY : R1 308 051 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R1 308 051 – R1 563 948 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a B Degree or Advanced Diploma in Finance/ Economics/ Commerce, or equivalent NQF 7 qualification. A postgraduate qualification in Financial or Budget Management will be an added advantage. A minimum of 10 (ten) years relevant experience in a budgeting and budget control environment. A minimum of 5 (five) years should be middle management/senior management experience. Pre-entry Certificate for SMS is compulsory. No appointment will be made without such a certificate. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Extensive knowledge and understanding of relevant policies and prescripts, application of resources as well as understanding of legislative framework and variety of work changes and procedures governing the Public Service such as: PFMA, Treasury Regulations, the Division of Revenue Act, Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations. Working knowledge of the functioning of National/ Provincial and Local Government. Knowledge of Financial and Project Management. Extensive knowledge of treasury function. Strategic capability and leadership skills, project, and programme management skills. Financial Management. Analytical and lateral thinking skills. Proven innovative and creativity ability. Honesty and Integrity. The ability to work successfully under pressure and partner with dynamic leadership team. The ability to liaise with internal and external stakeholders and network widely. People management and empowerment. Research Skills. High level of verbal and written communication skills at all levels. Proven practical computer literacy skills (MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel).
DUTIES : Drive the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework and Annual Provincial Budget Process. Manage provincial strategic budget planning process, preparations, and implementation. Provide advice, guidance and training on the budget process, budget reforms, and oversee the development of the Medium-Term Expenditure Budget Guidelines and ensure implementation in the province. Determine the provincial fiscal envelope for the Medium-Term Framework based on National and Provincial Policies/priorities. Review consolidated budget adjustment book and finalize before printing. Provide advice and guidance to provincial departments and public entities on budget compilation process. Coordinate the infrastructure planning and implementation. Responsible for budget policy formulation. Ensure that the Departmental Budget reflects the policies and priorities contained in the Departmental business plans. Ensure that the Departmental budget complies with National and Provincial priorities. Consolidate and prepare the Provincial budget. Ensure that the Departments utilise resources in accordance with plans and Government priorities. Report monthly and quarterly on the implementation of the Provincial budget. Perform generic management and administrative functions. Ensure accurate reporting on financial information within the provincial departments as required by the Division of Revenue Act. Monitor and assess that all expenditure is in line with Provincial budget allocations and priorities. Monitor and review monthly and quarterly reports on expenditure trends. Monitor provincial analysis in terms of expenditure, revenue, and conditional grants. Ensure evaluation of business plan of all conditional grants for compliance with the relevant framework.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M Jansen Tel: (018) 388 3419
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Accounting Services
Directorate: Financial Systems
SALARY : R1 105 383 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R1 105 383 – R1 302 102 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a B Degree or Advanced Diploma in Financial Management/ Accounting/ Information Systems/ Commerce, or equivalent NQF 7 qualification. A minimum of 10 (ten) years practical experience in the support and/or development of financial management systems. A minimum of 5 (five) years should be middle management/senior management experience. Pre-entry Certificate for SMS is compulsory. No appointment will be made without such a certificate. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Understand the relationship between Business and System strategies and ensure alignment. Understanding of Application Frameworks and its strategic importance. Knowledge of role of Incident and Problem management in the support of Systems. Knowledge of ICT operations, systems development life cycle and ICT Governance. Knowledge of current ICT modernisation trends. ICT Risk, Security and Service Continuity Management. Strategic capacity and Leadership. People Management and Empowerment. Programme and Project Management. Financial and Change Management. Knowledge Management and Service Delivery Innovation (SDI) and Communication. Problem-solving and Analysis, Client Orientation and Customer focus. Ability to work successfully under pressure and to partner with a dynamic leadership team. Knowledge of the PFMA and legislative frameworks.
DUTIES : Ensure continuous business process improvements in the Financial Management Information Systems environment. Evaluate new systems proposals and provide recommendations. Manage the implementation of Financial Systems in departments. Ensure user support and Data Management. Provide cross-organizational support. Develop and implement systems policies and procedures. Ensure effective and efficient systems support and user capacity building. Evaluate information systems infrastructure and recommend updates. Management of the system computer mainframe and support contractors. Manage the development, testing and implementation of new systems by National and Provincial Governments. Participate in forums created by National Treasury and Province for the roll-out of new systems. Manage the relationship between the department and stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. G Paul Tel No: (018) 388 3039
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Legal Services
SALARY : R797 901 per annum, all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R797 901 – R1 192 677 per annum), Salary will be determined in accordance with Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum an LLB/ BJuris or equivalent 4-year Law degree (NQF 7). Admitted as an Attorney or Advocate. At least eight (8) years’ experience in civil litigation, legislative drafting, drafting of legal opinions, contracts, documents, and briefing of counsel in civil matters, four (4) years must be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Knowledge of the Constitution of South Africa, PFMA and Treasury Regulations, MFMA, PAIA, PAJA, Public Service Act and its Regulations, as well as other legislation regulating government. Computer literacy. Supervisory and leadership skills. Written and verbal communication skills and Research skills. Project management and report writing skills. Good conflict resolution and mediation skills. Ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Provide legal advice on a variety of issues. Draft policies of the Department. Provide verbal and written legal opinions. Manage litigation of the Department. Draft legal documents and contracts entered into by/ with the Department. Liaise with the office of the Premier and State Attorney.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. A Lee Tel No: 018 388 3354
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Budget Management
Directorate: Budget Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Economics/ Public Finance or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A BCOM Degree or post graduate qualification will be an added advantage. A minimum of six (6) years relevant experience in government budgeting of which three (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. In depth knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and the Division of Revenue Act. Conversant with Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and other policies and procedures that governs the Public Service. Working knowledge of the functioning of National/ Provincial and Local Government. Extensive knowledge of treasury function. Conversant with BAS and Vulindlela System. Effective verbal and written skills. Computer literacy (MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel). Analytical skills. Research, monitoring, evaluation, and report writing skills. Accuracy and attention to detail. Competency in evaluating written reports. Report writing and presentation skills. Planning and organizing; Problem solving and decision making; Team leadership.
DUTIES : Manage the planning and implementation of the provincial budgets. Analyse and advise on the appropriateness of budget allocations of the departments, in line with national and provincial priorities. Participate in and give inputs during sectoral meetings at provincial and national level. Attend to any financial and non-financial queries raised by departments. Evaluate the MTEF budget submissions of the departments for compliance with the laid down prescripts and advise the Manager accordingly. Provide data regarding the provincial adjustment estimate process, prior to final provincial allocations, to be in line with the provincial fiscal framework. Analyse and prepare reports on monthly and quarterly In-Year Monitoring (IYM) reports on expenditure of Provincial Departments. Monitoring and reporting on all National Conditional Grants received and its corresponding expenditures. Monitor the budget by assessing proposed allocations with desired outcomes, measuring post-budget allocation effectiveness and efficiency of resource expenditure performance & delivery of provincial departments, in terms of infrastructure, maintenance, conditional grants and current expenditure, thereby appraising “Value for money”. Evaluate and investigate expenditure performance monthly and engage the departments in bilaterals on expenditure deviations versus performance. Draft operational plans for the section. Manage the performance of subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. L Sidumo Tel No: (018) 388 2227
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Public Finance Management
Directorate: Data and Public Finance Management
Sub-Directorate: Public Finance Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Financial Management/ Economics/Public Finance or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A BCom Degree or post graduate qualification will be an added advantage. A minimum of six (6) years relevant experience in Budgeting, Financial Management and Reporting, Financial and Non-financial statistics performance monitoring, and reporting of which three (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. In depth knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and the Division of Revenue Act. Conversant with Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and other policies and procedures that governs the Public Service. Working knowledge of the functioning of National/ Provincial and Local Government. Extensive knowledge of treasury function. Conversant with BAS and Vulindlela System. Effective verbal and written skills. Computer literacy (MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel). Analytical skills. Research, monitoring, evaluation, and report writing skills. Accuracy and attention to detail. Advanced Financial Modelling. Competency in evaluating written reports. Report writing and presentation skills. Planning and organizing. Problem solving and decision making. Team leadership.
DUTIES : Analysis and monitoring of the provincial departmental and public entities budgets and expenditures. Advising the Senior Manager accordingly in view of ensuring firm linkages between budgeting, planning, expenditures, and service delivery. Draw monthly budget and expenditure reports from the Financial System (BAS) and compile monthly and quarterly In-Year Monitoring reports on budgets and expenditure of Provincial Departments and Public Entities. Ensure improved in-year budget and expenditure management and reporting practices, analysis, and improvement of inter-governmental financial management systems. Provide tools/models for monitoring provincial and departmental budgets by assessing proposed allocations with desired outcomes, measuring post-budget allocation effectiveness and efficiency of resource expenditure performance of provincial departments, in terms of infrastructure, conditional grants, compensation of employees, capital and current expenditure, thereby appraising “Value for Money”. Monitor efficient and accurate financial and non-financial data of provincial departments and public entities and report the performance statistics to National Treasury, Provincial Legislature, and all relevant stakeholders. Monitoring and reporting on all National Conditional Grants received and its corresponding expenditures. Develop and maintain financial and non-financial databases with accurate statistics and liaise with National, Provincial Departments and Public Entities on required data. Assist the manager with expenditure analysis on the proprietary of budget allocations to departments and public entities. Attend and participate actively in various national/ departmental/ provincial/ sectoral meetings pertaining to financial, performance and statistical data. Draft operational plans for section and manage performance of subordinates. Perform generic management and administrative functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. L Sidumo// Mr. E.F. Abrahams Tel No: (018) 388 2227 / 388 3709
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Fiscal Policy
Directorate: Fiscal Policy Analysis and Financial Asset Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Economics/ Accounting/ Budget or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A BCom Degree in the indicated fields will be an added advantage. A minimum of six (6) years relevant experience in fiscal policy environment/revenue management of which three (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Willingness to travel and work extra hours. Conversant with Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations and the Division of Revenue Act, Procurement Act, and any other related Finance Prescripts. Conversant with Basic Accounting System (BAS) and Vulindlela System. Conversant with Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and other policies and procedures that governs the Public Service. Effective communication and writing skills. Strong in quantitative and analytical skills. Computer literacy in Microsoft WORD, Excel, and PowerPoint. Report writing skills. Competency in evaluating written reports. Leadership abilities and conflict resolution skills. Confident in conducting workshops and strong presentation.
DUTIES : Coordinate the analysis the revenue budget inputs from departments for inclusion in the Provincial Budget Statement. Critically analyse revenue budgets and monthly revenue collection for inclusion in the In Year Monitoring (IYM) monthly reporting. Monitor the daily and monthly revenue collection to detect any possible variances and report accordingly. Prepare written reports on achievements and challenges relating to departmental revenue collection. Develop and monitor the implementation of Provincial Revenue Enhancement Strategy. Coordinate that departments review the tariff structures annually to maximize of provincial revenue envelope. Ensure that provincial revenue policies and procedures are revised annually. Check and verify the overall monthly revenue payments from Provincial Revenue Fund Bank Statements and make some interventions when the departments fail to execute payments. Coordinate the Provincial Revenue Forum. Perform other administrative duties within the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Busisiwe Pule Tel No: (018) 388 3130
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Municipal Finance
Directorate: Bojanala District Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Rustenburg
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Economics/ Accounting/ Budget or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Financial Management/ BCom will be an added advantage. Six (6) years relevant experience in a Financial Management / Budget Management environment of which (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Appropriate experience and knowledge in financial management in the local government sector. Practical demonstration of knowledge and skills of the Municipal Finance Management Act and relevant supporting regulations. Conversant with Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and other policies and procedures that governs the Public Service. Working knowledge of the functioning of National/ Provincial and Local Government. Advanced Excel and PowerPoint presentation skills. Provision of credible research, analysis and report writing. Project, financial and people management. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Effective communication and interpersonal skills. Creative and innovative. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing and computer skills. Implement effective actions and processes to ensure that deadlines are met. Supervise, train, and guide all personnel reporting to you. Ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking.
DUTIES : Monitor implementation of budget framework and regulations by delegated municipalities and provide technical support to delegated municipalities. Provide guidance on the preparation of the budgets for compliance with the MFMA, Municipal Budget Reporting Regulations (MBRR), relevant NT circulars and on best practices (incl. advice to Council on its oversight role over the budget process). Facilitation of technical support and training via interactive working sessions/ site visits and report on outcome of the site visits. Conduct research on subject matter pertaining to designated municipalities, as and when required. Providing guidance to ensure alignment of municipal budgets to Provincial and National objectives. Evaluate the budgets and budget supporting documents for designated municipalities and provide advice/written comments to the municipality in terms of credibility, relevance, and sustainability. Monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation of municipal budgets. Perform strategic and operational planning. Manage stakeholder relationships. Oversee the administrative support functions. Perform people management functions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Nengovhela Tel No: (018) 388 2142
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Municipal Finance
Directorate: Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Economics/ Accounting/ Budget or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Financial Management/ BCom will be an added advantage. Six (6) years relevant experience in a Financial Management / Budget Management/ SCM environment of which (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Appropriate experience/knowledge in financial management in the local government sector. Practical demonstration of knowledge and skills of the Municipal Finance Management Act and relevant supporting regulations. Conversant with Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and other policies and procedures that governs the Public Service. Working knowledge of the functioning of National/ Provincial and Local Government. Advanced Excel and PowerPoint presentation skills. Provision of credible research, analysis and report writing. Project, financial and people management. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Effective communication and interpersonal skills. Creative and innovative. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing and computer skills. Implement effective actions and processes to ensure that deadlines are met. Supervise, train, and guide all personnel reporting to you. Ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking.
DUTIES : Monitor transparent and assess effectiveness of Municipal Supply Chain Management. Support the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on compliance with Supply Chain Management Regulatory Framework. Provide support and advice on supply chain management processes, policies, and compliance to regulations. Evaluate, assess, review & Report on Contract Management; Long & Short-Term Contracts; Irregular Expenditure; Functionality of SCM committees; Deviations; Variations and Contract Extensions. Review, assess and provide advice and guidance on the Structuring and functionality of SCM committees. Support the implement Supply chain management reforms in all the delegated municipalities and assist to play an oversight role in local government. Set complimentary standards within the parameters as set by National/ Provincial Treasury and the relevant SCM frameworks. Monitor and report on municipal policy outcomes. Access and identify capacity gaps, provide technical assistance, and support training initiatives regarding SCM in all delegated municipalities. Assist and advice on improving the supply chain management function within municipalities. Monitor & report on recommendations & remedial actions to improve supply chain management. Provide inputs and advice into other reports related to supply chain management. Support and oversee the implementation and maintenance of all transversal SCM policies and procedure manuals in all Municipalities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Nengovhela Tel No: (018) 388 2142
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Accounting Services
Directorate: Transversal Accounting Services
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Accounting or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A BCom majoring in Accounting and Auditing with articles will be an added advantage. Six (6) years relevant experience in a Financial Accounting/ Auditing environment of which (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Knowledge of PFMA, BAS, Modified Cash Standards and GRAP. Knowledge of and ability to prepare, review and interpret Annual financial statements. Report Writing skills. Strategic capability and leadership skills. Programme and project management skills. Strong financial management and analytical skills. Problem-solving and conflict and change management. Client orientation and customer focus. Communication. Honesty and integrity. Networking and presentation skills. Computer skills.
DUTIES : Manage the development and implementation of systems and processes to improve sound financial management and audit outcome of the Provincial Revenue Fund. Develop Provincial standard operating procedures and ensure implementation and adherence by all Provincial Departments. Implement National Treasury prescripts and approved accounting standards. Manage the review and reporting on the quality of Interim (IFS) and Annual Financial Statements (AFS) of Provincial Departments in line with modified cash standards which includes the Provincial Revenue Fund. Manage the clearance of monthly suspense and inter-department accounts for provincial departments. Review the implementation National Treasury prescripts and approved accounting standards. Manage the compilation of Consolidated Annual Financial Statements, which includes the Provincial Revenue Fund, and the accounting officer’s report. Prepare an audit file/s to support the Consolidated Annual Financial Statements, which includes the Provincial Revenue Fund. Liaise with external stakeholders. Manage the component. Provide administrative support and human resource management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K Horsley Tel No: (018) 388 3437
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Accounting Services
Directorate: Transversal Accounting Services
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Accounting or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. A BCom majoring in Accounting and Auditing with articles will be an added advantage. Six (6) years relevant experience in a Financial Accounting/ Auditing environment of which (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Knowledge of PFMA, PERSAL, BAS, Modified Cash Standards and GRAP. Knowledge of and ability to review and interpret Annual financial statements. Report writing skills. Strategic capability and leadership skills. Programme and project management skills. Strong financial management and analytical skills. Problem-solving and conflict and change management. Client orientation and customer focus. Communication. Honesty and integrity. Networking and presentation skills Computer skills.
DUTIES : Develop and implement systems and processes to ensure integrity of financial data. Monitor the implementation and compliance with National Treasury and PFMA deadlines by all Departments and Public Entities. Manage and co-ordinate PERSAL monthly and annual statutory payment processes of Departments to ensure compliance with the requirements/deadlines of SARS. Assess and monitor compliance with National and Provincial prescripts in line with PFMA and approved Accounting Standards/manuals. Monitor and assess the implementation of Post Audit Action plans for Departments to address audit findings. Manage the provision of all financial information on all operational aspects of (PMG)/ salary bank accounts of departments and trading entities. Provide support to Departments and Public Entities. Perform Financial Statement reviews for Departments and Public Entities. Liaise with External Stakeholders. Administrative support and human resource management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K Horsley Tel No: (018) 388 3437
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Accounting Services
Directorate: Financial Systems Support
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Information Systems/ Public Administration/ HRM or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years practical work /training experience in Persal of which (3) years must be on a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Sound practical knowledge of PERSAL modules (that is, Personnel, Salaries, Establishment, Supporting Sub-systems, and MIS). Persal Certificates in Introduction, Personnel Administration, Leave, Salary Administration, Establishment Management and Persal Controller. Knowledge of all relevant National Directives and the applicability in the work environment. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) software utilisation knowledge. Computer literacy in MS Office (that is, Excel, Word and Power Point). Excellent networking and communication skills. Presentation and Training facilitation skills. Problem solving and research skills. Good written and verbal communication skills. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. Research and Report writing. Workshop presentation and facilitation. Leadership. Organizing. Project Management. Conflict Management. Financial Management. Strategic Management. Policy formulation. Adaptability during changes to meet the goals. Change/ diversity management. Negotiation skills. People management. Time management. Co-ordination. Diversity management.
DUTIES : Ensure the provision of PERSAL User Support to all Provincial Departments. Register PERSAL Users and allocate functions. Register and approve System Change Controller (SCC’s). Ensure the proper extraction of data from the Persal database for reporting and monitoring purposes, such as, but not limited to MIS, IFS and AFS data, Oversight Statistics, Employment Statistics and Annual Employment Equity Report Data. Chair the provincial Persal Steering Committee. Attend the quarterly Provincial and National PERSAL Users Forum meetings. Monitor and Analyse information on PERSAL to detect possible fraudulent/ incorrect transactions. Investigate and identify irregularities and shortcomings on the PERSAL system. Ensure adherence to policies and procedures pertaining to HR and Salary Administration. Oversee the implementation of audit and control measures. Provide guidelines to Departmental Persal Controllers on information requirements. Manage stock control. Responsible for the composition and maintenance of provincial manuals and procedures. Perform all the functions attached to a Provincial PERSAL Controller.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. N Mntungwa Tel No: (018) 388 2988
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Internal Audit
Directorate: Risk-based Audits
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Accounting and Auditing or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years relevant experience in auditing of which (3) years should be in Internal Auditing and 3 (three) years on junior management level. A postgraduate degree or a professional qualification/designation such as Internal Audit Technician or Professional Internal Auditor or General Internal Auditor or Certified Internal Auditor or Chartered Accountant will be an added advantage. Extensive knowledge of the International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF), the PFMA and Treasury Regulations and Internal Audit Methodologies as well as knowledge of developments in the Internal Audit field is also required. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. A thorough understanding of Government processes and the role and function of internal audit and the audit committee in the public sector. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Effective communication and interpersonal skills. Creative and innovative orientation. The ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing and computer skills. Implementation of effective actions and processes to ensure that deadlines are met. Supervision, training, and guiding all personnel reporting to you. The ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking. The ability to analyse processes and identify appropriate, value adding and key audit criteria and root causes and to prioritize and assess audit outcomes during the full audit cycle. To be able to do introspection.
DUTIES : Prepare a three-year strategic plan and annual audit coverage plan for a department. Monitor risk on a continuous basis and amend annual audit coverage plans as required. Assist in the facilitation of risk assessment workshops and provide inputs for and review/update the risk assessment documents where required. Manage the rollout of the audit plan inclusive of the various phases in an audit, the audit team and budgeted time. Determine audit scope, objectives, risks and assess and approve the audit work program. Where required perform audit work from planning to reporting. Compile quality and value adding reports and make appropriate recommendations. Ensure that work performed by the audit team complies with the IPPF and Quality Assurance Improvement Program of the unit and take effective correction where required. Conduct peer reviews. Be prepared to manage audits of bigger departments, manage teams, complex audits and render additional assistance to Cluster Directors as needed or act in their absence. Provide training to subordinates and do presentation internally and externally where needed. Execute PMDS requirements. Monthly and quarterly reporting to the Cluster Director and Audit Committee.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. A. Nel Tel No: (018) 388 1616
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Management Support
Directorate: Enterprise Risk and Integrity Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Risk Management/ Accounting/ Auditing or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years relevant experience in a risk/ integrity management environment of which (3) years should be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Knowledge of Public Finance and Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations, Public Sector Risk Management Framework, Public Service Anti-Corruption Strategy, Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations. Computer literacy – MS. Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Extensive knowledge of the risk and integrity management prescripts and policies. Working knowledge of the functioning of National/ Provincial and Local Government. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Excellent interpersonal and customer relation skills. Creativity & innovation. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing. Ability to apply technical/professional knowledge and skills in immediate work area and wider environment. Ability to work under pressure and with precision. Applied strategic thinking and decision making.
DUTIES : Develop, implement, maintain and communicate the Risk Management Policy, Risk Management Strategy and Risk Management Implementation Plan, Fraud Prevention Strategy, Fraud Implementation Plan and Whistle-Blowing Policy. Develop systems & processes for the continued improvements of the Department’s risk management culture and philosophy. Ensure compliance with risk management requirements contained in legislation, frameworks, instruction notes and best practice. Ensure integration of risk management with all management activities. Ensure timeous development of risk registers and oversee roll-out of awareness programs on risk management, fraud prevention, whistle-blowing and internal controls. Ensure development and implementation of internal control system in the Department and test the effectiveness thereof. Report findings, progress and recommendations to relevant stakeholder, including but not limited to: HOD, Senior Management, Risk Management Committee and Audit Committee. Develop and implement action plans to address findings of assurance providers. Promote the implementation of the Public Service Code of Conduct. Management of Financial disclosure including analysis of results. Management of applications for remunerative work outside the public service, gifts, and ethics in the Department. Facilitate the ethics survey and prepare reports accordingly. Advice senior managers and other staff on ethics matters. Perform secretariat functions for the ethics committee. Develop and implement a continuous ethics awareness program for the Department. Facilitate the development of relevant policies and procedure manual on ethics management. Supervise and assess performance of subordinates, manage the financial resources of the sub-directorate, and perform any related management and administrative duties that may be required from time to time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Jansen Tel No: (018) 388 3419
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Strategic Management
Sub-Directorate: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Public Administration/ Public Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years relevant experience in strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation of which (3) years should be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Thorough understanding of planning, policy, and administrative processes of Government especially government planning and monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations and other policies and prescripts that governs the Public Service. Computer literacy – MS. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Good communication and interpersonal skills, presentation skills. Project and Programme management skills. Creative and innovative capabilities. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing skills. Ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking.
DUTIES : Co-ordinate integrated planning, monitoring and evaluation in the department. Ensure the compilation of the Annual Performance Plan, Strategic Plan of the department in line with National Treasury guidelines and frameworks. Compilation of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports. Co-ordinate monitoring and evaluation in the department.to undertake regular analysis of departmental performance and formulate recommendations to address the weaknesses. Compile departmental performance assessments reports and communicate the results of the findings to the relevant stakeholders. Coordinate performance information audit query responses. Supervise and assess performance of subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Mr G. Letlhogile Tel No: 018 388 4999
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Information Management Services
Sub-Directorate: Records Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Records Management/ Information Science or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years relevant / functional experience in a records management environment of which (3) years should be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations and other policies and prescripts that governs the Public Service. Knowledge and understanding of applicable legislation including National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (NARSA), Promotion of access to Information Act (PAIA) and Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), Minimum Information Security Standard (MISS) and Electronic Communications and Transection Act. Computer literacy – MS. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Successful completion of Records Management Course with National Archives and Records Services. Successful completion of a security screening with State Security Agency. Ability to work under pressure. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Good communication and interpersonal skills, presentation skills. Project and Programme management skills. Creative and innovative capabilities. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing skills. Ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking.
DUTIES : To manage the implementation and maintenance of sound records management practices. Facilitate an implementation workshop for records management systems in the department. Coordinate the systematic records disposal programme. Manage and monitor the development and implementation of records management policies, manuals, and systems. Ensure functionality and compliance of departmental registries in line with records management prescripts. Ensure that financial, human, and physical resources are managed efficiently, effectively, and economically in accordance with Government policies, acts and prescripts. Manage the provision of registry, messenger, and cleaning services. Ensure adherence to management of information Security and Promotion of Access to Information Acts.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K Gill Tel No: 018 388 1363/ 3584
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Information Management Services
Sub-Directorate: Security Services Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Security Management Science or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications, enhanced by PSIRA grade A or any relevant field. Six (6) years relevant / functional experience in a safety and security sector environment of which (3) years should be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity, be willing to travel. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations and other policies and prescripts that governs the Public Service. Knowledge and understanding of applicable legislation such as Promotion of access to Information Act (PAIA), Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), Minimum Information Security Standard (MISS) and Electronic Communications and Transection Act. Computer literacy – MS. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. SSA Top Secret Security Clearance Vetting. National Intelligence Security Managers Course. A background in contract management and investigation will be an added advantage. Ability to work under pressure. The successful candidate must demonstrate excellent analytical and conceptual abilities. Problem-solving skills. Good communication and interpersonal skills, presentation skills. Project and Programme management skills. Creative and innovative capabilities. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing skills. Ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking.
DUTIES : Develop departmental safety and security frameworks, protocols, and policy. Management the coordination of physical security in the department. Oversee and manage the development of policies, guidelines, norms and standards of vetting and investigations for security clearance levels for department to and from SSA. Ensure that special investigation on security breaches and security assessments are conducted. Manage the implementation of MISS within SANBI. Investigations on security breaches conducted and ensure that investigations are coordinated in all reported cases of security breach incidents. Manage and monitor security contract and related activities. Ensure adherence to management of information Security and Promotion of Access to Information Acts. Liaise with relevant stakeholders (e.g. NIA and SAPS) Create, develop and maintain a security training capacity for the institution and conduct security training sessions of all officials. Advise management about the security implications of management decisions. Management of unit and sub-ordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. K Gill Tel No: 018 388 1363/ 3584
Programme: Asset & Liability Management
Sub Programme: Provincial SCM
Directorate: SCM Policy, M&E and Capacity Building
Sub Directorate: SCM Policy Norms
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in SCM/ Logistics Management/ Advance Procurement Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years relevant / functional experience in a SCM environment of which (3) years should be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity, be willing to travel. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations and other policies and prescripts that governs the Public Service. Knowledge and understanding of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations. PFMA and related regulations. PPPFA and its regulations, BBBEE and its Codes of Good Practice and Charters, National Treasury Instructions/ Practice Notes/Circulars and Guidelines, CIDB Prescripts, Other SCM Related Prescripts. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to interpret and apply policy. Analytical and innovative thinking, research, report writing, workshop presentation and facilitation, leadership, organizing, project management, conflict management, strategic management, policy formulation, adaptability during changes to meet the goals, change/ diversity management, negotiation skills, people management, planning, time management, facilitation, co-ordination, diversity management, computer literate and communication skills, professionalism, teamwork orientation, innovative thinker.
DUTIES : Development of Provincial SCM norms; standards and policies. Research of best practices for continuous improvement of SCM Systems. Provide advice, guidance; and support on the implementation and interpretation of SCM policies norms and standards. Coordination of provincial inputs for National Treasury SCM prescripts. Report writing.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. H Mashao Tel No: 018 388 4224/5
Programme: Asset & Liability Management
Sub Programme: Provincial SCM
Directorate: SCM Client Support and Strategic Procurement
Sub Directorate: SCM Strategic Procurement
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in SCM/ Logistics Management/ Advance Procurement Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years relevant / functional experience in a SCM environment of which (3) years should be on junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity, be willing to travel. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations and other policies and prescripts that governs the Public Service. Knowledge and understanding of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations. PFMA and related regulations. PPPFA and its regulations, BBBEE and its Codes of Good Practice and Charters, National Treasury Instructions/ Practice Notes/Circulars and Guidelines, CIDB Prescripts, Other SCM Related Prescripts. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to interpret and apply policy. Analytical and innovative thinking, research, report writing, workshop presentation and facilitation, leadership, organizing, project management, conflict management, strategic management, policy formulation, adaptability during changes to meet the goals, change/ diversity management, negotiation skills, people management, planning, time management, facilitation, co-ordination, diversity management, computer literate and communication skills, professionalism, teamwork orientation, innovative thinker.
DUTIES : Manage the development and maintenance of provincial procurement strategy. Manage the arrangement and maintenance of transversal contracts by facilitating demand management, bid evaluations, and bid adjudications processes. Manage secretariat services for the cross-functional teams. Manage the arrangement of PSCM Forum. Contract Management. Manage the compilation and maintenance of provincial contract register.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. H Mashao Tel No: 018 388 4224/5
Programme: Asset & Liability Management
Sub Programme: Provincial Asset Management
Directorate: Provincial Asset Management
SALARY : R766 584 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive salary package, (on the salary scale: R766 584 – R903 006 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advance Certificate in Finance/ Accounting/ Asset Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualifications. Six (6) years’ experience in either private or public sector physical asset management with three years at a junior management level. Valid Code 08 drivers’ license is a necessity and must be able to drive. Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Modified cash standard (MCS), Generally recognized Accounting Practice (GRAP), Accounting Manual for Departments (AMD), asset and inventory management framework, Treasury Regulations, asset management framework, inventory management framework, GIAMA (Government Immovable Asset Management Act), risk management processes, Supply Chain Management, and financial management processes. Experience in any enterprise-wide asset and inventory management system will be an added advantage. The candidate must have a working knowledge of a computer spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), word processor. Presentation skills, the ability to communicate at all levels, and report writing skills. Ability to work independently and within a team. Ability to facilitate workshops, provide training, present policies, and produce written policies. Must have inter-personal, communication, management, report writing, research and analytical skills. Must have the ability to work under pressure, conduct financial analysis, and prepare reports and proposals.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to coordinate and monitor the implementation of Asset Management strategies by provincial departments and public entities and ensure such strategies comply with regulatory framework and keep abreast with new developments. Monitor the development and application of asset management policies by departments and public entities. Build capacity and provide technical support on the application of the standards of Generally Recognized Accounting Practice (GRAP) to Provincial Public Entities and Provincial Legislature. Build capacity and provide technical support on the application of the modified cash standards and assist provincial departments with the preparations and planning for the transition from modified cash to modified accrual on Asset Management. Build capacity and provide technical support to provincial departments and public entities on asset planning and budgeting, acquisitions, finance leases, asset disposal, transfers, redundant and loss management for the North West Province. Prepare monthly and quarterly reports for senior management. Assist departments on accounting and reporting for immovable assets and facilitate the section 42 transfers between user departments and the Department of Public Works and Roads. Monitor the adherence to Legislative framework and prescripts regarding assets. Coordinate the identification of skills gap and provide training and support on asset management. Ensure that provincial departments adhere to regular asset management reporting requirements by preparing, analyzing, and submitting periodic reports. Monitor that provincial departments perform and manage asset physical verification processes. Perform analysis of audit findings on asset management, develop and implement strategies to resolve audit finds and monitor the development and implementation of post audit action plans by departments and public entities. Perform generic management functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O Mduli Tel No: (018) 388 3231
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Public Finance
Directorate: Infrastructure Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in a Built Environment (Quantity Surveying/Civil Engineering/Architecture/Project management/Finance) or equivalent NQF6 qualification. A minimum of four (4) years relevant experience in the monitoring of infrastructure projects and programmes, financial management and reporting. Knowledge and application of the Public Sector Risk Management Framework. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Will be required to travel extensively and working extended hours. Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts such as Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), Intergovernmental Relations Act (IGR) and Treasury Regulations. Application of resources as well as understanding of relevant legislative framework and variety of work changes and procedures governing Public Service. The candidate must have a working knowledge of a computer spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel). Conversant with the Vulindlela/BAS system and the IRM (Infrastructure Reporting Model). Good interpersonal, organizing, planning and analytical skills. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. Accuracy and attention to detail. Competency in evaluating written reports. Report writing and presentation skills.
DUTIES : Assist with the monitoring of Municipal and Provincial infrastructure performance management. Assist with the monitoring and oversight of the infrastructure financial management. Coordinate and evaluate the infrastructure part of the MTEF budget submissions from Provincial Departments and Public Entities during the budget preparation process. Attend and participate actively at various National, Provincial, Departmental and Sectoral engagements pertaining to infrastructure budgeting and expenditure performance. Assist with the monitoring and support of the infrastructure planning portfolio management. Assist with the monitoring of the infrastructure programme and project review management. Support infrastructure capacity building initiatives. Ability to withdraw preliminary and actual infrastructure expenditure reports from the Vulindlela/BAS to enable informed decision making.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Daantjie Tel No: (018) 388 3500
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Municipal Finance Management
Directorate: Dr. RSM District Management / Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Vryburg/ Mmabatho
Vryburg (Dr RSM District) (X1 Post)
Mmabatho (Dr Kenneth Kaunda District) (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Finance/Economics/ Accounting or equivalent NQF6 qualification. A BCom Degree in the indicated fields will be an added advantage. A minimum of four (4) years relevant experience in public sector/ municipal budget management environment. Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts and experience in financial management in local Government Sector, Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), Intergovernmental Relations Act (IGR), Municipal Budget Reporting Regulations (MBRR) and Treasury Regulations. Advanced working experience in Excel and PowerPoint. Application of resources as well as understanding of relevant legislative framework and variety of work changes and procedures governing Local government. Presentation skills. Provision of credible research. Analytical skills, Problem solving skills and report writing. Effective communication and Interpersonal skills. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Will be required to travel extensively and working extended hours.
DUTIES : Provide assistance in monitoring the preparation of the budgets for compliance with the MFMA, Municipal Budget Reporting Regulations (MBRR), relevant NT circulars and on best practices (incl. advice to Council on its oversight role over the budget process). Coordinate the facilitation of technical support and training via interactive working sessions/ site visits and report on outcome of the site visits. Provide assistance in the evaluation of the budgets and budget supporting documents for designated municipalities and coordinate the advice/written comments to the municipality. Ensure that the designated municipalities receive a copy of the detailed schedules of allocations and transfers (Provincial Transfers Gazette). Provide assistance in the budget verification process to validate budgets on the NT database. Provide assistance in monitor the submission and publication (municipal website) of municipalities’ budget and other relevant documents. Provide assistance to monitor and ensure the submission MFMA returns to National Treasury (report from NT confirming the receipt of all returns). Provide assistance in the analysis of the monthly outcome of municipalities ‘budgets and financial performance through the IYM process and provide feedback to designated municipalities. Also provide input into the monthly ‘Municipal Finance Consolidated Finance Performance Report (MFCFPR)’ in the prescribed format for designated municipalities, ensuring accuracy of numbers and quality of report. Provide assistance in the analysis the quarterly outcome of municipalities’ budgets and financial performance including Section 72 report and provide input into the quarterly ‘Municipal Finance Quarterly Review (MFQR)’, in the prescribed format for designated municipalities, ensuring accuracy of numbers and quality of report. Assistance in the monitoring of grants spending of designated municipalities and submit report to the relevant supervisor. Provide assistance in the preparation of ad hoc reports and presentations on budget performance in prescribed format for designated municipalities. Coordinate reports on non-compliance with relevant legislations, regulations and other initiatives by designated municipalities to the relevant supervisor. Follow up with the designated municipalities on non-compliance issues and assist to provide technical support. Coordinate the feedback/report to the relevant supervisor on steps taken by the municipality to address non-compliance.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Nengovhela Tel No: (018) 388 2142
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Municipal Finance Management
Directorate: Dr. RSM District Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Finance/ Economics/ Accounting or equivalent NQF6 qualification. A BCom Degree in the indicated fields will be an added advantage. A minimum of four (4) years relevant experience in assets and liability/ budget management environment. Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts and experience in financial management in local Government Sector, Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), Intergovernmental Relations Act (IGR), Municipal Budget Reporting Regulations (MBRR) and Treasury Regulations. Advanced working experience in Excel and PowerPoint. Application of resources as well as understanding of relevant legislative framework and variety of work changes and procedures governing Local government. Presentation skills. Provision of credible research. Analytical skills, Problem solving skills and report writing. Effective communication and Interpersonal skills. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Will be required to travel extensively and working extended hours.
DUTIES : Review, Monitor and evaluation of municipal asset management policies and procedures. Reporting on compliance with relevant legislation, asset management guidelines, framework, and accounting standards. Analyse and report on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the asset management registers and systems. Review of the asset register prior to submission for audit to ensure compliance with legislation and accounting standards. Monitor the preparation of the Asset section of the audit working paper file. Promote, Review and Report on the effective utilisation of relevant asset management assessment tools (e.g., Financial Management Capability Maturity Model and Financial Indicators and Norms) to improve associated controls and assist in the development of remedial action plans. Promote and review the alignment of the budget to the municipal and provincial strategies. Review and Report on the progress of expenditure (capital and maintenance) against budget. Provide support and guidance on the overall process of developing, implementing, and coordinating of the asset management activities in line with the strategy/framework, guidelines, and initiatives of municipalities. Assess and identify asset management capacity gaps and support associated training/ development initiatives. Analyse and review audit reports and management letters to identify asset management support strategies and assist in the development and implementation of audit action plans to resolve asset management findings. Plan and support the Provincial and National initiatives on Asset Management. Provide inputs into and advice on other reports related to asset management. Facilitate and participate in internal and external stakeholders’ meetings regarding asset management matters. Assess and monitor the implementation of revenue enhancement strategies at municipalities. Provide support to municipalities on interpretation of revenue related budget reforms and ensure that municipalities realistically budget for all revenue sources accordingly. Monitor the preparation and review of revenue reports by municipalities. Monitor the municipality’s assessment of the indigent management processes in line with adopted municipal policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Nengovhela Tel No: (018) 388 2142
Programme: Sustainable Resource Management
Sub Programme: Municipal Finance Management
Directorate: Dr. RSM District Management / Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Management / Bojanala District Management/ Ngaka Modiri Molema District Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Vryburg/ Mmabatho/ Rustenburg
Dr RSM District – Vryburg/Mmabatho (X1 Post)
Dr Kenneth Kaunda District – Mmabatho (X1 Post)
Ngaka Modiri Molema District – Mmabatho (X1 Post)
Bojanala District – Rustenburg (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Finance/ Economics/ Accounting or equivalent NQF6 qualification. A BCom Degree in the indicated fields will be an added advantage. A minimum of four (4) years relevant experience in a financial management environment. Sound and in-depth knowledge of relevant prescripts and experience in financial management in local Government Sector, Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), Intergovernmental Relations Act (IGR), Municipal Budget Reporting Regulations (MBRR) and Treasury Regulations. Advanced working experience in Excel and PowerPoint. Application of resources as well as understanding of relevant legislative framework and variety of work changes and procedures governing Local government. Presentation skills. Provision of credible research. Analytical skills, Problem solving skills and report writing. Effective communication and Interpersonal skills. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to work under pressure. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Will be required to travel extensively and working extended hours.
DUTIES : Monitor compliance with financial management and annual reporting framework. Monitor the implementation of accounting standards (GRAP), and review and report on the quality of Annual Financial Statements. Monitor compliance with the reporting requirements. Review audit reports, management letters and audit implementation plans to identify financial management support strategies. Coordinate the provision of Accounting Service and Support. Analyze progress and report on the implementation of the audit action plans. Report on the Audit Steering Committee Meetings and assist with the clearing of issues raised by Auditor General during the audit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Nengovhela Tel No: (018) 388 2142
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Norms and Standards
Directorate: Norms and Standards Management
Sub-Directorate: Monitoring and Compliance
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Financial/ Management Accounting or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A minimum of 4 years relevant experience of which two (2) years’ must be at supervisor level. At least two (2) years’ experience must be in an Annual Financial Statements preparation and auditing environment. Articles will be an added advantage. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Will be required to travel and working extended hours. A thorough understanding the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, General Recognised
Accounting Practise Standards, Modified Cash Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. Specifically, the rendering of financial accounting and audit support to the North West Departments and State Owned Entities. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Creative and innovative. Ability to work independently and in a team. Sound Report writing and computer skills. Implement effective actions and processes to ensure that deadlines are met. Supervise, train, and guide all personnel reporting to you. Ability to work under pressure. Proven leadership qualities with strong strategic and operational management thinking. High level of integrity
DUTIES : Rendering the following support to the North West Departments and State-Owned Entities: financial accounting functions, audit related functions within the finance divisions, assisting with strengthening of internal controls, review Post Audit Action Plans, provide support on all audit related issues and evaluate the performance data. Supervise and assess performance of sub-ordinates. To perform any other duties that might be expected from time to time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. H Kasirivu Tel No: (018) 388 3039
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Accounting Services
Directorate: Financial Systems
Sub-Directorate: Financial Systems Administration & Support
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Information Systems/ Public Administration/ HRM or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A minimum of 4 years relevant experience (practical working Persal experience) of which two (2) years’ must be at supervisor level. PERSAL Certificates in Introduction, Personnel Administration, Leave Administration, Salary Administration, Establishment Administration are compulsory. Knowledge of the Public Service Legislations including legislation that governs Human Resource Management practices. Good communication and report writing skills; Presentation skills; Computer literacy especially on MS Office package or equivalent packages. Ability to interpret and apply policy. Analytical and innovative thinking skills. Report writing skills. Leadership skills. Conflict Management Skills. Policy formulation. Adaptability during changes to meet the goals. Change/ diversity management. People Management. Planning. Time Management. Facilitation
DUTIES : Provide PERSAL User support/ advice to Provincial Departments and Financial institutions on all PERSAL related matters. Implement, evaluate, and monitor Provincial PERSAL projects. Organise and participate in PERSAL National and Provincial Forums. Identify and manage PERSAL related risks. Monitor and enforce user compliance with system policies. Manage performance and development of staff in terms of their Key Performance Areas. Analyse exceptions drawn from the Management Information Reports.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. A Mehlo Tel No: (018) 388 2457
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Internal Audit Services
Directorate: IT Audits and Internal Audit Support Services
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Accounting/ Auditing/ Administration/ Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Four (4) years’ experience of working in an audit environment as an auditor or providing administrative support, with at least two (2) years’ experience in providing secretariat work at a strategic level (or similar committees operating at the strategic level in the organisation). A good understanding of Government processes and the role and function of internal audit and the audit committee in the public sector. Report writing and communication skills. Time Management. Ability to communicate well in English, written and verbal. Good writing skills. Ability to conceptualise and accurately summarise and captures discussions. General managerial and administrative skills. Ability and willingness to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines. Ability to establish priorities with strong organisational skills. Computer literacy, especially in Ms Word, Excel, Power Point, and the Internet. Integrity, sound judgement and discretion in dealing with confidential matters. Good interpersonal skills and the ability to work successfully in a team and interact with senior levels.
DUTIES : To provide the full spectrum of secretariat services to the Provincial and Cluster Audit Committees which serve 11 Departments which consists of the following activities: Co-ordinate and communicate meeting schedule and related arrangements. Ensure that virtual or physical meetings are planned in advance and links circulated to all stakeholders involved in the meeting. Manage and coordinate virtual session connection so that all participating members are connected. Ensure that virtual session is recorded, downloaded and stored in order to be used to compile minutes and provide evidentiary support that session occurred. Monitor timeous operation and collation of agenda and other documentation in consultation with the committee chairpersons, Audit Management, and departmental officials for timeous submission of Audit Committee packs. Use online facility such as MS Onedrive to prepare audit committee packs and distribute download pack links to all participating members and stakeholders. Writing minutes and preparing reports emanating from meetings within reasonable period determined by Chief director and or Director: Audit Support. Ensure that minutes and reports are signed in time by the AC members. Follow up of the implementation of decisions/directives/resolutions by the departments. Monitoring correspondence and ensuring that administrative duties (accommodation, catering, payment of member’s claims, follow up with couriers on the AC pack etc) pertaining to secretariat support to the Chairperson and Cluster Committee structures are done in time. Maintain centralized record keeping of critical files and documents relevant to the Audit Committee and the Auditor General. Liaise with other stakeholders (such as the Auditor General, Accountant General, PT Head of Department, Provincial GITO, Provincial Supply Chain, Sustainable resource etc) on information and documents related to Audit Committee.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. R. Hartopanu Tel: (018) 3884755
Programme: Asset & Liability Management
Sub Programme: Asset Management
Directorate: Asset Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma/Advance Certificate in Finance/ Accounting/ Asset Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Four (4) years’ experience in either private or public sector physical asset management with 2 years at a supervisory level. A valid driver’s licence is a necessity and must be able to drive. Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Modified cash standard (MCS), Generally recognized Accounting Practice (GRAP), Accounting Manual for Departments (AMD), asset and inventory management framework, Treasury Regulations, asset management framework, inventory management framework, GIAMA (Government Immovable Asset Management Act), risk management processes, Supply Chain Management, and financial management processes. Experience in any enterprise-wide asset and inventory management system will be an added advantage. The candidate must have a working knowledge of a computer spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), word processor, presentations, the ability to communicate at all levels, and report writing skills. Ability to work independently and within a team. Ability to facilitate workshops, provide training, present policies, and produce written policies. Must have inter-personal, communication, management, report writing, research and analytical skills. Must have the ability to work under pressure, conduct financial analysis, and prepare reports and proposals.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to review the implementation of Asset Management strategies by provincial departments and public entities and ensure such strategies comply with regulatory framework and keep abreast with new developments. Review the development and application of asset management policies by departments and public entities. Build capacity and provide technical support on the application of the standards of Generally Recognized Accounting Practice (GRAP) to Provincial Public Entities and Provincial Legislature. Build capacity and provide technical support on the application of the modified cash standards and assist provincial departments with the preparations and planning for the transition from modified cash to modified accrual on Asset Management. Build capacity and provide technical support to provincial departments and public entities on asset planning and budgeting, acquisitions, finance leases, asset disposal, transfers, redundant and loss management for the North West Province. Prepare monthly and quarterly reports for management. Assist departments on accounting and reporting for immovable assets and facilitate the section 42 transfers between user departments and the Department of Public Works and Roads. Monitor the adherence to Legislative framework and prescripts regarding assets. Coordinate the identification of skills gap and provide training and support on asset management. Perform a review of periodic reports submitted by provincial department and public entities and provide assurance on compliance with the related prescripts and legislation. Analyse asset verification reports from provincial departments and public entities and provide assurance on proper verification procedures. Review audit findings on asset management, assist with the development and implementation of appropriate strategies to resolve audit finds. Perform generic management functions
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O Mduli Tel No: (018) 388 3231
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Management Support Services
Sub-Directorate: Enterprise Risk and Integrity Management
Section: Enterprise Risk Management
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Risk Management/ Auditing or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Four (4) years’ relevant experience in Risk Management of which two (2) years must be on a supervisory level. Knowledge of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Public Sector Risk Management Framework, Public Sector Anti-Corruption Strategies. Excellent interpersonal skills and customer relations. Creative and innovative thinking. The ability to work independently and in a team. Sound report writing skills. The ability to apply technical/ professional knowledge and skills in immediate work area and wider environment. The ability to work under pressure. Good coordination and facilitation skills. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Assist the supervisor with the development, implementation and maintenance of a Risk Management Strategy, Risk Management Policy, Fraud Prevention Plan. Facilitate the compilation of strategic and operational risk registers. Monitor implementation of risk response strategies. Assist the supervisor with reporting all risk related matters including findings, risk positions and recommendations to all stakeholders. Conduct risk, fraud, and whistle-blowing awareness campaigns amongst departmental staff. Coordinate the activities of the Risk Management Committee and perform secretarial function. Ensure compliance with all prescripts, frameworks, regulations, and guidelines. Perform any other duties that may be expected from time to time.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. M Jansen Tel: (018) 388 3419
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Strategic Management
Sub-Directorate: Organisational Design
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Organisational Development/ Work-study/Operations Management/Management Services/Human Resource Management/Social Sciences or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Four (4) years’ relevant experience in the field of Organisational Development of which two (2) years must be on a supervisory level. A valid driver/s license. Computer literacy (Power Point and advanced Excel), facilitation and report writing, good communication, good client orientation and customer focus, problem solving, decision making, analytical skills, ability to conduct research, work under pressure, to work independently and as part of the team. Knowledge and application of Public Service regulatory framework (PSA, PSR, Employment Relations policies,) Theory and practical practice of workload and functional analysis, Operations Management, OrgPlus System and Job Evaluation (Evaluate) System.
DUTIES : Coordinate and facilitate the process to develop and monitor the implementation of organisational design services. Conduct work-study investigations on the development, functional and post establishment structure. Provide guidance and support on the development of job descriptions and job evaluation process. Development and implementation of the Service Delivery Model. Facilitate the process of business process management. Development of relevant policies in line with Operations Management Framework. Coordinate the implementation of Organisational Functionality Assessment (OFA). Prepare monthly and quarterly progress reports. Management of human resource and administrative functions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Mokotedi Tel No: (018) 388 2149
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Strategic Management
Sub-Directorate: Organisational Design
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in HRM/ Public Administration/Social Sciences or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Four (4) years’ relevant experience in a Human Resource Planning environment of which two (2) years must be on a supervisory level. A valid driver/s license. Computer literacy (Power Point and advanced Excel – theory and practical application of pivot tables), facilitation and report writing, good communication, good client orientation and customer focus, problem solving, decision making, analytical skills, ability to conduct research, work under pressure, to work independently and as part of the team. Knowledge and application of Public Service regulatory framework (PSA, PSR, Employment Relations policies, HR Planning Strategic Framework)
DUTIES : Development of the Human Resource Plan through consultative process linked to the strategic priorities and medium-term strategic framework. Develop action plans to implement identified strategies. Engage with line and executive managers to monitor and evaluate performance on the implementation of the Human Resource Plan. Monitor the development and maintenance of effective Human Resource and Administrative delegations. Prepare quarterly progress reports on Human Resource Planning Implementation Report and delegations. Management of Human Resources and administrative functions
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Mokotedi Tel No: (018) 388 2149
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Strategic Management
Sub-Directorate: Organisational Design
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in HRM/ Public Administration/Social Sciences/ Industrial Psychology or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Four (4) years’ relevant experience in a Change Management environment of which two (2) years must be on a supervisory level. A valid driver/s license. Computer literacy, facilitation and report writing skills, good communication skills, good client orientation and customer focus, problem solving, research, decision making and analytical skills, ability to function independently and work as part of the team. Knowledge and application of Public Service Prescripts (PSA, PSR, White Paper on Transformation of Public Service and Batho-Pele Policy) Basic knowledge of Operations Management Framework, theory and practical knowledge of Batho-Pele programmes and change management.
DUTIES : Coordinate and facilitate the process to develop and monitor the implementation of service delivery improvement plan, Service Delivery Charter, and Service Delivery Standards and Complaints and Complements Management Framework. Provide Change Management programmes in the department. Co-ordinate the integration of Batho-Pele frameworks into the Department service delivery process. Preparation of Departmental Annual Citizens Report. Facilitate and monitor the implementation of Employee Satisfaction Survey. Development of relevant policies. Prepare monthly and quarterly progress reports. Management of Human Resources and Administrative functions.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Mokotedi Tel No: (018) 388 2149
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Information Management
Sub-Directorate: Departmental ICT
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in an Information Technology field or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Industry certificates A+, N+, Server + or MCSE would be added advantage. Four (4) years’ relevant experience in user support environment and extensive IT technical experience of both software and hardware. Two (2) years must be on a supervisory level. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Knowledge of government infrastructure and financial applications and solutions. e.g., Walker, BAS. Working knowledge of networking and server operating system architecture. End-point security and data protection of confidential information. Working knowledge of CGICTPF, ITIL, COBIT and IT Project Management methodologies. Good working strengths within the technical team to achieve optimum results. Ability to troubleshoot technical problems and technical report writing especially on financial systems. Ability to lead and adapt to change. Ability to setup and maintain all Microsoft windows operating system platforms. Experience with Windows server 2008-2019 including Microsoft Azure, Active Directory, Group Policy. Experience with Novell GroupWise and MicroFocus. Experience with Backup and Recovery design, implementation, operation, optimization and disaster recovery. Strong project management skills with focus on delivering under tight timelines with limited resources. Communication: Ability to interact with stakeholders at all levels. Experience and proven ability to communicate technical issues to non-technical audience. Ability to communicate innovative ideas and receptive to suggestions. Innovative, Creative, Analytical, Negotiation skills, ability to asses and evaluate information, ability to resolve conflict, decision-making driven, solution driven.
DUTIES : Provide both onsite and telephonic 1st, 2rd and 3rd line ICT support for helpdesk on transversal systems (WALKER, PERSAL, BAS, Pro-quote) and system peripheral operations. Facilitate management of ICT continuity in line with business continuity plans. Perform impact analysis with new application system and databases and monitor load levels on systems. Facilitate management of infrastructure and operational security to ensure protection of financial information. Maintain systems configuration and adherence to set standards. Provide inputs and oversee monitoring of information technology policy in respect of networks, servers, internet and workstation devices. Ensure networks planning and that systems do run at all times and that backups and restores are performed. Ensure Microsoft Azure implementation, maintenance and management. Provide smooth office administration. Provide leadership/managerial support to the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. D Mohaule Tel No: (018) 388 4393
SALARY : R393 711 per annum (Level 09), (on the salary scale: R393 711 – R463 764 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: Information Management
Sub-Directorate: Departmental ICT
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in an Information Technology field or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. A BSC Computer Science Degree and the Industry certificates COBIT, ITIL, TOGAF, CRISC would be added advantage. Four (4) years’ relevant experience in an IT System Development environment and 1-2 years in business process modelling and IT Project management related practices. Two (2) years’ experience from the four must be on a supervisory level. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Knowledge/experience of project management in IT Public Sector. Strong knowledge of application development, architecture, infrastructure, and software package development projects. Working knowledge and experience of implementation of CGICTPF. Good working strengths within the technical team to achieve best results. Ability to troubleshoot technical problems and generate reports. Ability to lead and adapt to change. Strong project management skills with focus on delivering under tight timelines with limited resources. Application of project management methodologies; Business processes analysis and modeling. Drafting of ICT plans. Resource management and scheduling. Ability to interact with stakeholders at all levels. Experience and proven ability to communicate technical issues to non-technical audience. Ability to communicate innovative ideas and receptive to suggestions. Innovative, Creative, Analytical, Negotiation skills, ability to assess and evaluate information, ability to resolve conflict, decision-making driven, solution driven and paying attention to detail
DUTIES : Facilitate the management of Information Systems Architecture and ICT related Risks. Ensure ICT projects alignment to Departmental Strategies. Facilitate and contribute to the development of business enabling ICT strategic, implementation & operational plans. Conduct business process planning, monitoring and evaluation. Compile project plans to achieve objectives. Compile project documentation and configuration management for compliance and assurance. Compile and produce benefits tracking documents for continuous improvement. Compile and generate project status to stakeholders (Steering Committee) and facilitate war-rooms session. Assist in management of project issues, risks, scope and escalate contractual challenges. Assist in the development and monitoring of SLAs/MOUs/Contracts. Facilitate change management processes. Preparation of project closure reports and filling. Maintain systems configuration and adherence to set standards and policies.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. D Mohaule Tel No: (018) 388 4393
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Accounting Services
Directorate: Financial Systems
Sub-Directorate: Financial Management and Systems Training
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08), (on the salary scale: R331 188 – R390 129 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a Grade 12 OR National Diploma/ Advance Certificate in Public Administration/ Information Systems/ Human Resource Development or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Experience: Grade 12 – three (3) years’ experience (practical working/ training Persal experience) or for a NQF 6 qualification – two to three (2 – 3) years practical working/ training Persal experience. Persal Certificates in Introduction, Personnel Administration, Leave Administration, Salary Administration, Establishment Administration are compulsory. Excellent communication skills both written and spoken. Excellent presentation skills. Knowledge of MS applications. Knowledge of the Public Service Legislations including legislation that governs Human Resource Management practices. Ability to interpret and apply policy. Facilitation Skills. Ability to manage and work independently within the team. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. Report writing. Computer Literacy. Conflict Management. Change/ diversity management.
DUTIES : Present training to PERSAL users to enable them to use the system effectively in departments. Participate in the development and maintenance of training material. Set and mark the assessments, collate scores, and submit results for review by training manager. Submit monthly training reports and statistics. Maintain the user profiles and the training environment. Provide training analysis for continuous improvement of the PERSAL system training environment. Coordinate the distribution of certificates.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. A Mehlo Tel No: (018) 388 2457
Programme: Financial Governance
Sub Programme: Internal Audit Services
Directorate: Risk-Based Audits
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08), (on the salary scale: R331 188 – R390 129 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Accounting/ Auditing or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Three (3) years’ experience in risk-based auditing. A postgraduate degree or a professional qualification/designation such as Internal Audit Technician or Professional Internal Auditor or General Internal Auditor or Certified Internal Auditor or Chartered Accountant will be an added advantage. Knowledge of the IIA International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), PFMA, Treasury Regulations and Internal Audit Methodology. A valid driver/s license is a necessity. Will be required to travel. A good understanding of Government processes and the role and function of internal audit in the public sector. Report writing and communication skills. The ability to work in a team. Computer literacy. Time Management. Identification of appropriate and value adding audit criteria and root causes.
DUTIES : Adequately and effectively perform and document field work (execution phase of the audit) and the outcome thereof for government departments to which the internal audit service is rendered in accordance with the approved audit methodology. Assist with and provide inputs into audit planning and the compilation of audit reports. Assisting in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit process. Ensuring that work performed complies with the IPPF and Quality Assurance Improvement Program of the unit. Keep time records. Give guidance to junior team members.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. T Sekoboane Tel No: (018) 3881582
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management Services
Directorate: Departmental SCM
Sub-Directorate: Logistics Management
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08), (on the salary scale: R331 188 – R390 129 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a Grade 12 Certificate with three (3) years’ experience in Supply Chain Management, preferably in Logistics Management Unit OR, alternatively, a National Diploma/Advance Certificate in Supply Chain Management/ Logistics Management or Financial Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Minimum of two to three (2 – 3) years’ experience in Supply Chain Management, preferably in Logistics Management Unit required with a tertiary qualification (NQF 6). Knowledge of Walker Financial Management System. Knowledge of Prescripts governing SCM (PPFA, PFMA, and Treasury Regulations) as well as Public Service Regulations. Computer Literacy and leadership ability. Good Communication Skills (verbal and written) at all levels in English. Ability to maintain elevated level of professionalism and reliability. Report writing Skills. Ability to work under pressure, independently and as part of the team. Excellent interpersonal relation skills. Problem solving and analytical skills. Good planning and organising skills.
DUTIES : Implement effective supply chain management procedures and policies. Authorize orders on the Walker Financial Management System. Pre auditing of payment vouchers which includes computation of invoices, quotation and all other supporting documents forming part of the voucher. Reconciliation of contract payment. Checking compliance of payment vouchers, Maintenance of specimen file and safe custody of vouchers. Keep record of all incoming and outgoing payment vouchers. Deal with queries, record them and make follow-up on unresolved queries. Personnel supervision and their performance assessment. Report writing.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Makgotlho Tel No: (018) 388 2581
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management Services
Directorate: Financial Accounting Services
Sub-Directorate: Financial Accounting & Bank Management
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08), (on the salary scale: R331 188 – R390 129 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Finance / Accounting or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Three (3) years’ relevant experience in Financial Accounting. Knowledge of Government systems (BAS, Walker, PERSAL) would be an added advantage. Extensive knowledge of Public Sector Reporting Framework for the preparation of financial statements, financial controls, public sector financial prescripts, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations. Computer literacy in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Excellent interpersonal skills and customer relations. Creative and innovative thinking. The ability to work independently and in a team. Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Sound report writing skills. Ability to apply technical/professional knowledge and skills in the immediate work area and wider environment. Ability to work under pressure and with precision. Ability to plan effectively and efficiently. Demonstrate leadership qualities through motivation and control of team members to ensure deadlines are met.
DUTIES : Assist the supervisor with the compilation of the quarterly interim and annual financial statements with supporting audit files. Render financial accounting services related to debtors, creditors, revenue, and expenditure. Assist the supervisor with the timeous and accurate closure of month-end and year-end BAS processes. Prepare monthly accounting reconciliations, checks and balances are performed accurately and timeously. Perform/authorise daily financial accounting system operational functions. Monitor departmental bank account daily. To check and monitor S&T Claims for validity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure compliance with the public sector reporting framework, accounting policies, procedures and PFMA. Supervise and assess the performance of subordinates
ENQUIRIES : Ms Refilwe Letsogo Tel No: (018) 388-3247
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management Services
Directorate: Financial Accounting Services
Sub-Directorate: Salary Administration – Claims, Payments, and Recons
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08), (on the salary scale: R331 188 – R390 129 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Finance/ Accounting or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Three (3) years’ relevant experience in Salary Administration and practical working experience on both Persal and BAS. Must have Introduction to Persal and Salary Administration Certificates, as well as Introduction to BAS Certificate. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations. Financial Manual, Basic Conditions of Employment Act and Guide on Managing Departmental Debt. Computer literacy – Word, Excel and PowerPoint important. Knowledge of Government systems (BAS, Walker, Persal). Good Communication Skills. Good Interpersonal relations. Flexibility and Teamwork. Computer skills, Planning and organisation, Conflict management. A self-driven and results oriented individual that will be able to deliver under pressure
DUTIES : Review Payments of all salary related claims, review reconciliation and clearing of all salary related Control Accounts including Debt Accounts. Follow up on long outstanding debtors. Assist with Audit preparation and audit queries. Supervision of subordinates. Assist in salary related queries.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. G Molamu Tel No: (018) 388 3260
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Corporate Services
Directorate: HRM & D
Sub-Directorate: HR Administration and Practices
SALARY : R331 188 per annum (Level 08), (on the salary scale: R331 188 – R390 129 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in HR/ Public Administration or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Two (2) years’ relevant experience in a recruitment environment as well as practical working Persal experience. Persal Certificates in Persal Introduction and Personnel Administration is compulsory. Application of resources as well as understanding of relevant legislative framework and variety of work changes and procedures governing Public Service such as, but not limited to Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Labour Relations Act, Employee Equity Act and any other relevant prescripts and policies guiding HR practices in Government. Analytical thinking, creative and innovative. Good communication and presentation skills. Computer and report writing skills. Ability to work under pressure. The ability to interpret and apply policies. Ability to conduct research. The ability to function independently and work as part of the team. Good interpersonal relations.
DUTIES : Implement and monitor the Retention Strategy. Implement and monitor the policy and procedure manual on Recruitment and Selection and Exit Management. Conduct exit management in the Department. Implement recruitment and selection practices in the Department. Implement/capture the mobilisation of staff which includes appointments, transfers, relocations, promotions on Persal. Persal User to implement of work performed in unit on the PERSAL system. Assist MMS/SMS with structuring of salary packages and implementation thereof on Persal.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Marengwa Tel No: (018) 3883490
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management Services
Directorate: Departmental SCM
Sub-Directorate: Demand and Acquisition Management
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07), (on the salary scale: R269 214 – R317 127 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in SCM/ Finance/ Administration/ Public Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Two (2) years’ relevant experience in a SCM environment. Knowledge of government procurement systems. Knowledge of PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Central Supplier Data base, Public Service Act and Regulations. Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Good communication and interpersonal skills. Problem solving and report writing skills. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. Adaptability during changes to meet the goals. Planning and time management. Must have the ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Determine whether specifications should contain any special conditions and analyse the requisition before processing. Identify best strategies for implementation in line with Sourcing Strategy. Verify the request with approved Demand plan. Prepare monthly report on status of requisition. Report on the progress of Demand Plan. Analyse, collect and collate information for Annual Procurement Plan. Compile Tender/ quotation specifications as required. Execution of bidding process. Compilation of prospective list of providers for quotation. Manage the rotation of suppliers on CSD through commodity search.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O Kekana Tel No: (018) 388 4062
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management Services
Directorate: Departmental SCM
Sub-Directorate: Demand and Acquisition Management
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07), (on the salary scale: R269 214 – R317 127 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a Grade 12 certificate with three (3) years’ experience in SCM Environment OR, alternatively, a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in SCM/ Finance/ Administration/ Public Management or equivalent NQF 6 qualification coupled with two (2) years’ relevant experience in a SCM environment. Knowledge of government procurement systems. Knowledge of PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Central Supplier Data base, Public Service Act and Regulations. Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint). Good communication and interpersonal skills. Problem solving and report writing skills. Ability to interpret and apply policies. Analytical and innovative thinking. Adaptability during changes to meet the goals. Planning and time management. Must have the ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Implement effective supply chain management procedures and policies. Source quotations for goods and Services from prospective Suppliers on CSD. Advice on the relevant Sourcing Strategies per commodity. Consolidate and verify monthly reports that needs to be submitted to PSCM. Benchmark with different departments for existing contract to participate. Report all variation, expansion, and deviations. Address queries from internal and external clients
ENQUIRIES : Mr. O Kekana Tel No: (018) 388 4062
Programme: Administration
Sub Programme: Financial Management Services
Directorate: Financial Accounting Services
Sub-Directorate: Salary Administration – Claims, Payments, and Recons
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07), (on the salary scale: R269 214 – R317 127 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma or Advanced Certificate in Finance/ Accounting or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. Two (2) years’ relevant experience in Salary Administration and experience on both Persal and BAS. Introduction to Persal Certificate, as well as Introduction to BAS Certificate will be an added advantage. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations, Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations. Financial Manual, Basic Conditions of Employment Act and Guide on Managing Departmental Debt. Computer literacy – Word, Excel, and PowerPoint important. Knowledge of Government systems (BAS, Walker, Persal). Sound analytical and problem-solving skills. Excellent interpersonal and customer relation skills. Ability to work independently and in a team. Ability to work under pressure and with precision. Ensure deadlines are adhered to.
DUTIES : To render Financial Accounting Services related to Debtors and Expenditure. Recover and follow up on outstanding debts. Handle all payments made outside Persal. Handle all recalled, reversed and rejected salaries. Be responsible for the capturing of Salary related and clearing of salary control accounts. Preparation of all salary related reconciliations.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. G Molamu Tel No: (018) 388 3260
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07), (on the salary scale: R269 214 – R317 127 per annum)
CENTRE : Mmabatho
Chief Director: Economic Analysis (1 Post)
Post for Chief Director: Corporate Services (1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : As a minimum a National Diploma/ Advanced Certificate in Office Management/ Secretarial or equivalent NQF 6 qualification. One to two (1 – 2) years relevant experience rendering a support service to Senior Management. Language skills and the ability to communicate well with people at different levels and from different backgrounds. Good telephone etiquette. Computer literacy. Sound organisational skills. Good people skills. A high level of reliability. Written communication skills. The ability to act with tact and discretion. The ability to do research and analyse documents and situations. Good grooming and presentation skills. Self-management and motivation. Knowledge of the relevant legislation/policies/prescripts and procedures governing the unit and Public Service. Basic knowledge of financial administration/bookkeeping will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Provide a secretarial/receptionist support service to the Chief Director. Manage phone calls. Perform advanced typing work. Record engagements of the Chief Director. Compile realistic schedules of appointments. Render administrative support services. Ensure the effective flow of information and documents to and from the office of the manager. Ensure the safekeeping of all documentation in the office of the manager in line with relevant legislation and policies. Respond to enquiries received from internal and external stakeholders. Draft documents as required. File documents for the Manager. Collect, analyse and collate information requested by the Manager. Clarify instructions and notes on behalf of the Manager. Ensure that travel arrangements are well coordinated. Prioritise issues in the office of the Chief Director. Manage the leave register and telephone accounts for the unit. Handle the procurement of items for the office. Obtain necessary signatures on documents. Provide support to the Chief Director regarding meetings. Scrutinise documents to determine actions/information required for meetings. Collect and compile all necessary documents for the Manager. Record minutes/decisions and communicate to relevant role-players and follow up on progress made. Prepare briefing notes for the Manager. Coordinate logistical arrangements.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Mogoane (CD: Economic Analysis) / Tel: (018) 388 4410 Ms. M Jansen (CD: Corporate Services) / Tel No: (018) 388 3419