Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Directorate: Financial Accounting
SALARY : R269 214 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National Diploma in Financial Management / Accounting / Cost and Management Accounting / Commerce. Minimum of 1-year relevant experience in a Financial Environment. Job related knowledge: Treasury or Financial Regulations or the Public Financial Management Act. Personnel and Salary Administration (Persal), Basic Accounting System (BAS). Job related skills: Supervision skills, Communication skills (written and verbal), Computer literacy (Microsoft Word and Excel), Financial management skills, Planning and organisation skills. Analytical skills. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Coordinate effective financial management in debt management. Authorize journals (all debtors journals). Analyse the age- analysis and discuss findings with the supervisor for review. Follow up on unapplied credit and pre-payment. Manage the dispatch of statements to debtors. Follow up on overdue accounts. Manage collection. Referral to legal service. Recommend for write offs. Reduction of account receivables (debt account). Improve collection of debtors managed by Collecting Agency. Use financial and other resources effectively, efficiently, economically and transparently. Control of Suspense Accounts. Check or scrutinize the suspense account on a regular basis. Submit difficult cases to supervisor. Monitor payment received and posted to the debt suspense account. Ensure all revenue is allocated. Prepare Monthly Compliance, International Financial System and Annual Reporting. Develop a register of all debts. Ensure register is updated every two weeks. Prepare monthly, interim and annual reporting on account receivables and in year management (IYM). Ensure that letters and statements are sent to debtors. Render management of debtor’s register. Ensure that letters and Statements are sent to debtors. Reconcile Land Administration Web (LAW) report with all operating leases. Ensure operating lease contracts reconcile with A Complete and Comprehensive Program for Accounting Control (ACCPAC). Supervise human / financial resources effectively. Monitor and evaluate the performance of staff in accordance with the Employee Performance Management and Development System (EPMDS). Identify the need to facilitate and monitor staff development and develop staff skills by giving follow up training in their line function. Provide in-service training on office functions. Keep and manage the leave register, control and verify all leave forms for correctness and approval.
ENQUIRIES : Ms SH Sambo Tel No: 012 319 6780
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as Jacob Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria or Agriculture Place,20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix Street), Arcadia, Pretoria 0001.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.